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Posted: September 12th, 2022

How to use Mobile Apps to change the buyer purchase behavior

How to use Mobile Apps to change the buyer purchase behavior and
what is the success factor for mobile apps to Help buyer and seller.
Research Topic : how to use the Mobile Apps to change buyer purchase behavior and what is the success factor for mobile apps to Help buyer and seller.

Background: I’m going to develop an IOS application. it is trying to change the buyer behavior. the APP works like a note book to drop down all purchased details to the apps with photo. it could be scan each product QRcode which QR code provided by seller. qr code contain all details with that purchased product. They use the mobile apps to keep all purchased records. after that they could check the inventory, prices, etc details which formatted the data

What you need to do:
– User research – why we need research
– Research & Analysis
Primary data: questionnaire
Secondary data: interview
– Interview – compare with interview and questionnaire

How to use Mobile Apps to change the buyer purchase behavior and what is the success factor for mobile apps to Help buyer and seller.
The use of mobile phones has become dominant among the consumers and businesses have taken advantage of the massive growth. Mobile applications have been utilized to change consumer purchasing behavior enhancing the growth of the company. According to the research conducted by the Lowa University, there is a direct link between the purchasing activity and mobile applications (Phys.org, 2015). Customers spend most of their time checking on their mobile phones and engaging with the applications. The mobile applications can be of much benefit to businesses if they are designed to function well under different conditions.
The use of mobile applications have grown at a high rate and it was projected the number of downloads exceeded by 268 billion in 2017 and indication that there is a massive use of mobile apps and consumers are diverting their attention on these platforms (Phys.org, 2015). Mobile applied should be developed to increase customer value because most mobile applications are deleted after a few days of use. Additionally, for businesses to benefit from the applications then they should dedicate their resources to monitoring and maintenance to ensure that the applications are compatible with the existing mobile applications.
Mobile phones have become devices that have become cultural objects that consumers use in their daily activities. According to Venkatesh, Hofacker and Naik (2010), consumers have been using mobile applications for searching for critical information, managing schedules, conducting transactions and socializing. Mobile apps for consumers are designed in a special way to increase customer experience and influencing behaviour. One of the challenges facing the organization is to incorporate mobile apps in the marketing mix by focusing on the attributes that can encourage consumers to download the application. It is also important to understand why behavior change has shifted to mobile applications and what features can be integrated to increase customer experience. The Assessment of the factors is an important approach for developing a mobile application that will be preferred by many consumers.
The research will focus on developing an application for changing the behavior of the buyers. The research shall be implemented by gathering the views of people through interviews and questionnaires. The interviews shall be conducted among a group of participants and their reviews collected. On the other hand, the research will involve the design of the questionnaires which shall be distributed among the participants. The open-ended questions will be used in the interview to get the best experiences from the participants. Finally, the research will involve the analysis of the results of both the questionnaires and the interviews. The conclusion shall be made based on the outcome of the results from both methods of data collection.
Problem Statement/Need of the research
The use of mobile phones has increased significantly in recent times. Businesses are taking the advantages of mobile phones to expand to reach new customers. One of the most preferred platforms is the use of mobile applications. Mobile applications can be customized to meet the needs of a particular organization. Businesses are competing for customers through influencing consumer behavior. Organizations are spending most of the resources through advertising and other mechanisms to win more customers. Additionally, customers are now focusing on the products that can fulfill their desires and therefore looking for specific products or information that can solve their problems. The use of mobile applications is now becoming most preferred by many consumers as compared to social media or any other platform. For instance, consumers with health issues are looking for specific products that can be used to solve a particular problem, such information can easily be accessed through mobile applications as compared too other platforms. Therefore, the consumers are interested in specific products which are a major challenge for the development of mobile applications. Additionally, reaching new customers has been one of the major challenges for several businesses and influencing buyer behavior is one of the approaches to increasing the number of customers. Therefore, the research is aimed at solving most of the challenges experienced while reaching new customers and enhancing the growth of the business. Also, the research takes advantage of the use of mobile phones which are devices that are dominantly used by the consumer.
Literature Review
The process of investigating how mobile phones influence the purchasing behavior and the effect to both the seller and the buyer can be accomplished by examining the relevant literature review in the field of consumer behavior. Various studies have been documented relating to mobile usage and application usage. Additionally, the growth of mobile applications has resulted in the formulation of many studies relating to the usability of a given mobile application. The literature review on this topic focuses on the utilization of mobile applications and consumer behavior as well as mobile usability in marketing and advertising. The literature provides an understanding of how the mobile environment influences the consumers in making the decisions that favor businesses. By utilizing the applications, one can get an insight and understand the process such as need recognition, information search, and Assessment of alternatives, purchasing decisions and purchasing behavior. A consumer makes a decision to purchase a given product depending on the needs available such as hunger, clothing, among others.
Several types of research have been developed in investigating the use of mobile applications to change the purchase behavior of the customers/buyers. According to Wozniak (2013), the use of mobile applications for marketing can be tailored to influence consumer decision making process which involves the search of information, Assessment of the alternatives, purchase decisions and purchase behavior. Additionally, the conducted research on why firms use mobile applications for marketing showed that most firms use mobile applications to strengthen their brand and raise product awareness. In another study, for consumers using mobile phones especially in low involvement grocery shopping situations and luxury goods use mobile applications in making daily purchasing decisions (Kalnikaite, Bird & Rodgers, 2012). Low involvement purchases constitute the quick or fast decisions made by purchasing small items such detergents while high involvement entails complex purchases, for example, cars and machinery.
Kumar &Mukherjee (2013) conducted a study by examining a total of 289 college-aged consumers in the North Eastern United States. The researchers collected and analyzed the shopping experiences and found that the consumers were using mobile applications in making purchases triggered by personality traits and technology. The same study revealed that optimism, insecurity and innovativeness impact perceptions and may have an indirect impact on attitudes and purchase intentions. The research forms a basis of understanding why consumers may/not complete the transaction stage on the buyer decision process.
A research conducted by Taylor and Lavin (2014) by surveying 345 women who were customers of a US fashion retailer revealed the relationship between retailer offering a mobile application and intent to purchase. Form the research it was found that the new customers were willing to use the application for purchasing and information-sharing. The research demonstrates that the buyer’s decision traits may influence the consumer to complete the buyer-decision process through the mobile application. In another study by Eastman, Iyer, Liao-Troth, Williams & Griffen (2014), a survey was conducted among 243 freshmen among graduate business students who showed that mobile technologies were a necessity than a luxury. The group recognized that technology and innovation plays a critical role in their activities. The study is compared to another study carried out by Sultan, Rohm & Gao (2009) in which 169 US college students were examined and 215 Pakistani college students. The research focused on the factors that affect consumer acceptance of the use of mobile phones. The research showed that the possibility of sharing content is facilitated by the personal attachment to the device.
The process of understanding consumer behavior as well as the utilization of mobile technology is important to the study. The study helps in revealing how the use of technology influences the consumer purchasing process. From the research, it is easy to draw the relationships between the users and mobile applications. The marketing process by many businesses is now diverging to the use of the mobile application and a clear understanding of how buyer behavior and technology influence the purchasing decisions.
Primary Data: Questionnaire
The questionnaire is one of the data collection methods that have been used in the research; it is a source of primary data because the information is obtained directly from participants. Both the primary and secondary sources are used in the research to collect the data. The use of questionnaires is employed to collect data from the original sources which were unknown prior to the research. The data are collected for utilization in this project. The questionnaires were administered to consumers/buyers and sellers. The following represents the design of the questionnaires used in the research. A total of 129 participants for both the seller and the participants filled the questionnaires for use in the project. Three-quarters of the participants formed college students or youths while the rest were other individuals or the aged population. The questionnaires were designed and distributed to the participants and then allowed a period to respond and thereafter they were collected.

Sample Questionnaire
Please select an answer that best describes your age
Less than 14
o 15-20
o 21-25
o Above 25
Please select an answer that best describes the current level of education
o Bachelor
o Master
o Other (Please specify)
Do you own a mobile phone?
o Yes
o No
Would you like to own a mobile phone in the future?
o Yes
o No
How many applications are available in your mobile phone?
o 5
o 10
o More than 10
What do you use your mobile applications for?
o Transactions
o Business
o Entertainment
o Any other
How long have you had the applications in your phone?
o Less than a day
o One Day
o Two days
o Three days
o Four days
o Five days
o Six days
o A week
o Month
o Year
o Any other
The interview is a source of secondary data for the research. The interview used in the project followed a semi-structured approach (Houtkoop-Steenstra, 2009). The interview was conducted among both sellers and buyers/consumers. The respondent of the interview was the managing director of a small and fast-growing business who is both a buyer and seller and has been using mobile applications for a period of time while the next respondent is a consumer who has been using mobile applications for making the purchases. The following questions show a sample which was utilized in the interview;
Sample Interview Questions
Do you own a mobile phone? And how has been your experience?
Yes, I own a mobile phone and I have been using it for several years especially for business purposes. The experience has been good because it simplifies most of the tasks in a business environment.
Have you ever downloaded any mobile application?
Yes, I have downloaded several applications but I only use a few for a specific purpose depending on my needs and business needs.
What is your overall thoughts/impression regarding the usage of the application?
Businesses, consumers and sellers should utilize applications for the growth of their business, improve customer base and promote interactions.
Why do you prefer one application more than the other?
I prefer one application that the other depending on the purpose and usability
Do you know the owner/person who developed the application?
The application I use for my daily application was developed and customized by one of the IT specialists to fit my demands.
How do your activities influence the usage of the application?
Business activities depend directly on the application in performing several transactions and monitoring the progress and needs of the customers
When do you find yourself using this application?
I use my application anytime and especially when I am at my place of work
Describe the conditions of using the applications?
The application must be compatible with the operating system of your mobile phone and you must have some basic skills in interacting with it.
How do you find the application useful for this purpose?
The application is useful because it promotes the growth of my business
Is there any application in your phone that you use for this purpose?
Yes, I have several applications on health issues, exercise, books, and diet

The interview followed a semi-structured approach. The method involved gathering of several themes and questions covered in the interview, the pattern of the questions were changed depending on the response. The interview was conducted to investigate the purchasing behavior of the buyer. Similarly, questionnaires were used to collect primary data. Structured questionnaires were used in the process of research.
The response rate by using the two methods was genuine. The response rate represents the percentage of individuals who successfully completed the methods. The response rate was proportional to the number of people who use smartphones. The lower response rate for this research was avoided by approaching the participants directly through email and social media. The validity and reliability of the questions were fulfilled by conducting a pre-test on 10 participants (Houtkoop-Steenstra, 2009). The process helped in refining the questionnaires and interview questions that would have otherwise resulted in irrational findings and conclusions. The process was also conducted to align the research process with the objectives.
Data collection through the interview was more accurate as compared to data collection by questionnaires. The questionnaires were distributed to the participants without close monitoring and therefore the information provided could not be as accurate as for the interview. Both data collection methods revealed that most consumers own mobile phones and would like to use the applications in their daily activities. A large number of participants 86% have mobile applications in their smartphones and they frequently interacted with them. The interview questions revealed that consumers/buyers who own mobile phones and have installed applications are more likely to make purchases than those who do not. The outcome showed that the participants are more interested in specific information that is of use in their lives. For instance, consumers with health conditions or those who would like to observe the diet will have a verge of buying items that are outlined in dietary applications. The respondents have in one way or the other used the applications in making the decisions on what to purchase. The questionnaires showed the distinct characteristics of the users on how they interact with mobile applications. On the other hand, the interview answered revealed the experiences and interests as well as factors that enable the consumers to download the applications.
Most of the participants were happy because the use of applications enhanced their speed or accuracy for purchasing a given item by the use of mobile phones. The sellers on the other hand, indicated a positive response to the increase in the number of customers and requests that are made. The applications are not only influencing the decision of purchases but also help to monitor daily activities. The sellers and consumers are encouraged to use the applications in their daily activities for them to get a better experience.
Both interviews and questionnaires are prone to bias due to the distortion of data. The data was only collected by sampling a small population and therefore cannot be effective for a large geographical region. The closed-ended questions had some biasness because the researcher was forced to choose one of the predetermined alternatives in making decisions rather than allowing free decision making. On the other hand, the interview was prone to more bias as compared to the questionnaire due to interviewer factor. Biasness was recognized in the wording of the questions and the manner of expression. Additionally bias was also due to the characteristics of both the interviewer and the respondents as well as the content of the questions. However, in this research biasness was reduced by the careful formulation of questions for use in both questionnaires and interviews. The questions were clear and thorough and therefore the reduction of bias.
In conclusion, the research was conducted successfully and the results revealed that mobile applications influence the decisions of the buyers to purchase. The research is beneficial to business people especially sellers, retailers and consumers on determining the best approaches to fit their needs. The initial process was examining the importance of mobile phones and how individuals in their daily activities use mobile applications. The next step involved focusing on the literature the previous researches that entailed how mobile applications contributed to the behavior to purchase. Data collection was done using interviews and questionnaires and the results analyzed. A comparison was also done between questionnaires and interviews.

Lowa State University (2015, September 30). Mobile apps and online reviews influence consumer behavior. Retrieved from https://phys.org/news/2015-09-mobile-apps-online-consumer-behavior.html.
Shankar, V., Venkatesh, A., Hofacker, C., & Naik, P. (2010). Mobile Marketing in the Retailing Environment: Current Insights and Future Research Avenues. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 24(2), 111–120. doi: 10.1016/j.intmar.2010.02.006
Wozniak, T. (2013) Firm use and consumer acceptance of mobile apps for mobile marketing purposes (Doctoral dissertation) Retrieved from ECONIS (EDSZBW77177771X)
Kalnikaitė, V., Bird, J., & Rogers, Y. (2012). Decision-making in the aisles: informing, overwhelming or nudging supermarket shoppers? Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 17(6), 1247–1259. doi: 10.1007/s00779-012-0589-z
Kumar, A., & Mukherjee, A. (2013). Shop while you talk: Determinants of purchase intentions through a mobile device. International Journal of Mobile Marketing, 8(1), 23-37.
Taylor, D. G., & Levin, M. (2014). Predicting mobile app usage for purchasing and information-sharing. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 42(8), 759–774. doi: 10.1108/ijrdm-11-2012-0108
Eastman, J. K., Iyer, R., Liao-Troth, S., Williams, D. F., & Griffin, M. (2014). The role of involvement on millennials’ mobile technology behaviors: The moderating impact of status consumption, innovation, and opinion leadership. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 22(4), 455-470.
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