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Posted: September 2nd, 2022

American Demographic Shift

Fall 2022
GERO 201: Intermediate Gerontology (Prof. Costley)

Aim: To critically replicate on Johnson and Parnell’s (2016) main claims concerning the affect of inhabitants growing older within the U.S. and look at how they use these information to formulate arguments about public coverage.

Question Assignment: How do they outline the “challenges and alternatives” forward and the way do they use information to Help these claims? Have in mind, their opening assertion isn’t just an announcement of reality, it’s an argument that must be confirmed and supported with proof. They are saying:

We live in an period of disruptive demographics . . .Main shifts within the measurement, composition, and geographic distribution of the U.S. inhabitants are dramatically reworking our social, financial, and political establishments, creating challenges and alternatives alongside the way in which. Nowhere are these shifts extra obvious than within the growing older of America. . . [2016: 9].

Directions: Sort a 2-3page essay reflecting on this major argument and likewise explaining the next factors and information. I’m asking you to: 1) write about this text as if I’ve not but learn it myself, and a couple of) embrace proof (quotes from the article), to Help not solely your opinions and claims, however theirs’ too.

1) The Level: In your individual phrases (or in theirs), what’s the total level (or message) of this text? On what information or info do they base their major argument? (1 level)

2) The Demographics: What particular proof do they use to current and Help their key factors? Give me at the least three examples (with information), to disclose why the demographics of growing older now are distinctive and essential. What appears to be a very powerful information? (2 factors)

three) The Challenges and Alternatives: Learn fastidiously. They don’t current all of the challenges first after which all of the alternatives later. They really current challenges and alternatives in pairs, the place one situation creates each a problem and a possibility. What main challenges and alternatives do they predict? There are lots of. Current and describe at the least 2 points from each views. (2 factors)

Observe on Type: I would like you to make use of APA-style for in-text citations and quotes. I’m on the lookout for: 1) well-developed solutions to the questions above, 2) with good supporting examples from the textual content, and three) full sentence construction, correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Please proofread your work. There are deductions (1-point every) for missing these components of fashion.

In case you have any questions, or need Helpance, please let me know.

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