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Posted: August 31st, 2022

Pollution in cities Essay

Pollution in the cities is a major concern to everyone in the modern world; this is because of the consequences that result from neglecting our environmental safety measures. The key areas according to the report in the `state of the environment in china 2003’,highlights the several forms of pollution that include traffic noise pollution, fresh water pollution, marine water ,solid waste, atmospheric environment, forests/grassland, biodiversity, climate and natural disasters, and radioactive environment pollutions.

Sewer systems in most city suburb areas are not connected to the main sewer system in the city which may aggravate environmental hazards in future unless funds are allocated to construct good pipelines for waste disposal.

Some of the major problems that contribute to environmental pollution were tackled in various ways depending with the type and nature of the pollution.

In china a committee was formed in order to make reforms that will curb down environmental destruction by inspecting, preventing, and controlling solid waste disposal. Seeking technical requirement for the transportation of medical waste and incineration of medical wastes.

Authorities in cites have to ensure they do a thorough clean up and sanitation work in the cities, (Merchant 1993). She stated further that, in cities it is easy to ignore picking dirt as one thinks that, another person will do that.

Many countries have raised concerns over smuggling of hazardous chemicals, which is done by means of both export and import, hence a campaign on the crack down have been put in place. Solving of pollution problems remains a task to many cities in the world due to the changing nature of activities and technologies. Some problems on pollution have been tackled only to spearhead other new ways of polluting the environment. New construction of residential homes and expansion of cites is so high and that makes sewerage system to overflow due to lack of expansion on it, garbage then litters almost everywhere due to population pressure that is uncontrollable


Merchant Carolyn, major problems in American environmental history, ISBN 0669249939, 1993, DC health US.

Thubten Samphel.Tibet: state of the environment. A roadmap for collaborative development.2003. China

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