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Posted: August 24th, 2022


Reflection Paper

If you are reading this, it means you survived this past year. I don’t make this statement lightly. These past two years have been filled with transitions on many levels. Some of you have lost loved ones to COVID. All of us have dealt with the loss of what we knew to be normal. Will we ever return to what we once knew? I do not know. What I can say is this:

You are strong. In the face of adversity, you have decided to keep going. You have enrolled in college courses. You may have friends who have had babies, gotten married, opened businesses, and more. You are strong. We are strong.

As you reflect over the course of this past year, compare where you were to where you are now. I’m not talking about physical location. Examine how you have grown over the past year. Reflect on your experiences since last year. What difficulties did you have to overcome? What is one positive thing you learned about yourself? If you had to go back to the past to last year and encourage yourself from a year ago, what would you say?

Now, examine how remote learning has affected your college experience. Remote learning has benefits and drawbacks. What are the benefits and drawbacks that you have experienced? What has been the hardest thing to adapt to? Are there any areas of remote learning that you thought you would dislike, just to discover it wasn’t that bad? Upon returning to face-to-face learning, do you think you will miss remote learning? What is one lesson you have learned as we end the 2020-2021 academic school year?

*For this assignment, your paper should be a minimum of 600 words and not extend 1000 words. Double-space your work, using left alignment (do not center your work). Use size 12 font, Times New Roman, or Arial. Upload your work as an MS Word document or a PDF.

*You must submit this assignment as a newly written document. This means you cannot submit the same assignment for different classes. If it registers as plagiarism, you will receive a zero.

*If you use a MAC computer or device, please understand that PAGES is not compatible. Assignments submitted in this format will receive a zero.

Paper for Reflection

If you’re reading this, it means you made it through the previous year unscathed. This is not a casual statement. Transitions on various levels have occurred over the last two years. Some of you have lost loved ones as a result of COVID. We’ve all had to deal with the loss of what we thought was normal. Will we ever revert to our former selves? I’m not sure. Here’s what I can say:

You are a powerful individual. In the face of adversity, you have decided to keep going. You have enrolled in college courses. You may have friends who have had babies, gotten married, opened businesses, and more. You are strong. We are strong.

As you reflect over the course of this past year

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