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Posted: August 24th, 2022


UTA NURS3345 TRANS PROFESSIONAL NURSING Module 2 Quiz Lectures Progress Monitor Latest
ASSIGNMENT: UTA NURS3345 TRANS PROFESSIONAL NURSING Module 2 Quiz Lectures Progress Monitor Latest:

Lectures Progress Monitor

Question 1Evidence-based practice ultimately:

adds to the nurse’s credentials and advancement.

impresses patients and their families with big words.

improves patient outcomes and adds to nursing knowledge.

adds to nursing knowledge and credentials.

Question 2Nursing theory provides:

concepts and challenges.

common language and a decision-making framework.

a conceptual framework for study.

an application triad for study.

Question 3In ANA’s Code of Ethics, autonomy refers to:

telling the truth.

doing no harm.

acting on one’s own.


Question 4Identify the correct citation of an author within the body of an article or within a paper at the end of a sentence.

Boyd, 2008.

(Boyd, 2008)



Question 5Studying nursing theory is important because:

by looking at where we’ve been, we can better understand where we need to be.

we can track how nursing practices have drastically changed over the years.

sleep and pure air are still part of the hospitalization experience.

patient care does not change over time.
UTA NURS3345 TRANS PROFESSIONAL NURSING Module 3 Quiz Lectures Progress Monitor Latest

Lectures Progress Monitor

Question 1Why is peer review important?

Other nursing professionals have reviewed content for accuracy and currency.

Doctors and advance practice nurses have written the articles.

The article was written in a newspaper and general news journal.

The articles are found in special journal issues where authors are invited to contribute because they are well known for their expertise.

Question 2The main difference between critical thinking and thinking is that critical thinking is done with-

Evidence and innovation

Control and discipline

Purpose and control

Purpose and direction

Question 3Which is an example of a decision-making framework?

Process Mapping

Paradigm Shift

Nursing Diagnosis

Nursing Process

Assess, Diagnose, Plan, Implement and Evaluate

Question 4A good research question cannot be answered by a simple yes or no.



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