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Posted: August 8th, 2022

Develop the topic into a well-organized essay, following the guidelines below.

· Develop the topic into a well-organized essay, following the guidelines below. Correct spelling and grammar will be considered during grading. Part of your grade will depend upon including the required block quotes. Be sure to answer all parts of the question.

· Finally, DO NOT copy material from another source and paste it into this essay response box, representing it as your own work. Doing this will get you a grade of 0, and it is not difficult for instructors to detect.

The Autobiography of Ben Franklin

Relying primarily on material from the The Autobiography of Ben Franklin, thoroughly answer the following questions:

https://www.thefederalistpapers.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/The-Autobiography-of-Benjamin-Franklin-.pdf (Links to an external site.)

Section 1 (25 points): Describe how Benjamin Franklin established the public library in Philadelphia. What was the effect of this library on Franklin and on his community?

Section 2 (50 points): Explain Franklin’s quest for moral perfection. What process did he use? How successful was he? Which virtues did he find the most challenging to maintain? What was meant by his saying, “a speckled ax is best?”

Section 3 (25 points): Was Franklin a religious man? Why, or why not? Provide specific evidence to support your conclusions.

*****Include at least three direct, block quotes from the Autobiography to support your position. Be sure to put your citation for these quotations in parentheses and in all caps. For example, your citation might look like this:

“She Helped me cheerfully in my business, . . . .” (FRANKLIN, P. 119) or, if there is no page number, (FRANKLIN, Chapter 6).



Follow the recommendations below to turn your idea into a well-organized essay. Correct spelling and grammar will be considered during grading. The use of the required block quotations will determine a portion of your grade. Be sure to answer all parts of the question.

· Finally, DO NOT copy material from another source and paste it into this essay response box, representing it as your own work. Doing this will get you a grade of 0, and it is not difficult for instructors to detect.

The Autobiography of Ben Franklin

Relying primarily on material from the The Autobiography of Ben Franklin, thoroughly answer the following questions:

https://www.thefederalistpapers.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/The-Autobiography-of-Benjamin-Franklin-.pdf (Links to an external site.)

Section 1 (25 points): Describe how Benjamin Franklin established the public library in Philadelphia. What was the

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