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Posted: August 1st, 2022

Object permanence

Type of work: Coursework

Language: English (US)
Assignment Topic: Object permanence
Discipline: Education
Find an infant between 6 and 12 months old and describe his/her development of object permanence using these Object Permanence Activities. Try the following tasks and record the child’s responses. Be sure to use different objects for each of these to keep children’s interests.
Make use of the MN ECIPs as well – be sure you are using the Infant domains and indicators!
Follow an object through space visually. Make a red and white bull’s-eye pattern or use a bright plastic toy. Have the infant lie down or sit in an infant seat. Place yourself behind the infant so he or she concentrates on the object, not on you. Move the object in a circle around the infant’s head. Do this five times. Note whether or not the infant tries to follow the object with his or her eyes and head. If the infant does follow it, does he or she follow it smoothly and through the complete circle
Reaction to a disappearing object. Use a brightly colored toy. Be sure the infant is looking at it. Move it slowly to a position where it is hidden. Do this three times. Note if the infant follows the object to the point where is disappears, whether he or she continues to glance at the spot where it disappeared, and whether the infant seems to be visually searching for the object at the point where it disappeared.
The partially hidden object. Use an object such as a toy, doll, stuffed animal, teething ring, or rattle that the child finds interesting. Hold the object in front of the infant and be sure he or she is looking at it. Put the object down in front of the infant where he or she can see it. Use a white cloth to cover part of the object. Note whether the infant tries to grasp the object. Does the infant try to remove the cloth or does the infant lose interest in the object when it is covered? Does he or she manage to get the object?
The completely hidden object. Pick out a small object that you know the child finds interesting. Be sure the child watches you as you hide the object completely under the white cloth. Does the child lose interest? Does he or she pick up the cloth and play with it? Does the child pick up the cloth and get the object?
Two hiding places and an object. This time use two cloths, the white one and another one that is dull and an uninteresting color. Lay the two cloths down on the floor in front of the infant. Hide the object under one of the cloths. If the infant finds it, hide it under the other cloth. Does the infant look under the correct cloth first or under the one that was used the first time?
Three hiding places and one object. If the infant successfully found the hidden object with two cloths, then add a third. Note the infant’s behavior as the object is hidden under the first, second, and then the third. Does he or she successfully find the object under the third cloth?
Use the information on the following Object Permanence Rubric to complete the assignment.
Object Permanence Rating Scale
Possible Points
Your Points
Follow object through space
Description is given of what you did, and how child responded. You have indicated which domain /component/ indicators of the Birth to Three Infant Toddler ECIPS this met or did not meet
Reaction to disappearing object
Description is given of what you did, and how child responded. You have indicated which domain /component/ indicators of the Birth to Three Infant Toddler ECIPS this met or did not meet
Partially hidden object
Description is given of what you did, and how child responded. You have indicated which domain /component/ indicators of the Birth to Three Infant Toddler ECIPS this met or did not meet
Completely hidden object
Description is given of what you did, and how child responded. You have indicated which domain /component/ indicators of the Birth to Three Infant Toddler ECIPS this met or did not meet
Two hiding places and an object
Description is given of what you did, and how child responded. You have indicated which domain /component/ indicators of the Birth to Three Infant Toddler ECIPS this met or did not meet
Paper is neat and thorough, and composed in written paper format broken up in paragraphs by rubric criteria. Correct grammar and spelling.
Reference list included. Analysis of how this compared with information from Chapter 5 using APA 2

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