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Posted: July 31st, 2022

Crime Data Comparison Essay

This week at school we have been requested to decide on two metropolitan areas with completely different knowledge and write a paper evaluating the incidence of the offense within the chosen areas. We have been requested to establish the variety of occurrences reported to the police for every space, and handle the next questions which space had extra reported incidents? What have been the charges of the crime for every space? Did the charges change over time in both space? What components would possibly clarify the variations within the charges? The knowledge might be offered because it seems above.

New York and New Jersey are two metropolitan areas which have had loads of crime each excessive profile media grabbing consideration and low profile on a regular basis crime occurrences. Due to this fact these two metro areas can present for excellent demographical crime knowledge in addition to have base to check from because of the excessive crime charges in each areas. As such this paper might be evaluating forcible rape crime knowledge from each areas to see what is occurring on this explicit subject.

So with wanting on the FBI.gov site and searching for data on these two areas and the classes forcible rape it is extremely clear that it is a very huge crime in each areas in new jersey the overall for 2011 is 1,006 rape case which the yr earlier than in 2010 was at 981 circumstances which is a 2.5 % enhance on this crime. In New York the place this crime is so much increased in totals 2,752 which is 1.6 % lower than in 2010’s 2,797 circumstances. With this knowledge we are able to see a couple of issues taking place right here for one we are able to see that New York has a drop in rape circumstances in a single yr and that New Jersey has elevated on this crime, and this might be attributable to plenty of causes.

We all know that the 2 states are nearly one in the identical and that many individuals who work in New York dwell in New Jersey which may imply that these circumstances may contain residents from each areas and so each would have probably been reported to. We may speculate that New Jersey has a much less extreme punishment than New York for rape crime and so the criminals would go to that space to commit the crime attributable to a much less harsh punishment if caught. One other issue on this might be to launch instances of prisoners throughout the state that will go to metro areas and commit crimes; this might be a really actual issue to contemplate because of the probably hood of violent criminals repeating their crimes. At any price not only one issue is the probably cause as to why we see a drop in New York and a rise in New Jersey.

The chance that it has to do with most of if not all acknowledged components could be very actual, particularly since rape just isn’t a criminal offense that may be predicted nor actually deter in a position sadly. And with each metro areas having such excessive populations additionally it is potential that many circumstances have been by no means reported, which is why New York and New Jersey each estimate a complete in addition to maintain information for the precise whole. In New York that they had an estimate of two,972 rape case that’s nearly 300 unreported rapes that will have occurred.

So with understanding that the precise rape circumstances reported versus the estimated whole one may see that regardless that the statistics are taking place and it could appear to be the crime price in an space goes down you’d nonetheless must see the estimated totals and evaluate to see what might be unreported and unknown. With the information we’ve got and the estimates on it as nicely it’s clear that though I’ll seem that New York is getting a deal with on its rape crime it will not be as nicely off because it seems and though New Jersey has had a rise in rape circumstances it additionally has lowered its estimate which might be signal or dangerous and sadly that’s the manner crime an statistics go ever altering and adapting.

Uniform Crime Report. (n.d). Retrieved from http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/tables/table-Four

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