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Posted: July 17th, 2022

Nursing, Examining Chest X-Rays

Examining Chest X-Rays

Chest x-rays are an invaluable diagnostic tool as they can help identify common respiratory disorders such as pneumonia, pleural effusion, and tumors, as well as cardiovascular disorders such as an enlarged heart and heart failure. As an advanced practice nurse, it is important that you are able to differentiate a normal x-ray from an abnormal x-ray in order to identify these disorders. The ability to articulate the results of a chest x-ray with the physician, radiologist, and patient is an essential skill when facilitating care in a clinical setting. In this Discussion, you practice your interprofessional collaboration skills as you interpret chest x-rays and exchange feedback with your colleagues.

Consider the patient case study and x-rays below and post your analysis/examination

Note: By Day 1 of this week, your Instructor will assign you to post on one of these patient case studies and x-rays:

Case Study 1 Last name A-F

35-year-old Asian male presents to your clinic complaining of productive cough for two weeks. Stated he has had mild intermittent fever with myalgia, malaise and occasional nausea.

SH: works as a law clerk
PE: NP noted low grade fever (99 degrees), with very mild wheezing and scattered rhonchi.

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Examining Chest X-Rays

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Examining Chest X-Rays
Chest X-Rays are common diagnostic approaches used within the clinical setting to expose some body parts to minimum levels of ionizing radiation that produce pictures for the imaging of the heart, lungs, chest, and bones of the spine. They help in the identification of various respiratory disorders such as pleural effusion, pneumonia, and even the cardiovascular disorders (Brogi et al., 2017). It is therefore imperative to articulate the results of the imaging to facilitate quality care within the clinical setting. For the patient in the current case study, the 35-year-old Asian male may be a trivial self-limited form of pneumonia that is characterized by an upper respiratory viral infection. The first symptom she complained of was having a productive cough for two weeks. According to Shi et al. (2019), this means that the patient is producing sputum or phlegm that may translate to the presence of pneumonia. There is also the issue of occasional nausea that also leads to the diagnosis of trivial pneumonia.
At 35 years old, the patient’s immune system cannot be said to be compromised by age and there are no historical records showing the same or the presence of a severe case of infection. The diagnosis for this patient is a complication of the upper respiratory infection considering that there lacks the presence of cold-like symptoms that include sneezing or a running nose. The mild intermittent fever that is associated with malaise and myalgia could mean that the patient is suffering a Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) that could have been influenced by hemopilus influenza or streprococcus pneumonia, among other organisms (Usonis et al., 2016). As such, the proper diagnosis would be penicillin with an alternative of erythromycin in case they are allergic for the former.

Brogi, E., Bignami, E., Sidoti, A., Shawar, M., Gargani, L., Vetrugno, L., … & Forfori, F. (2017). Could the use of bedside lung ultrasound reduce the number of chest x-rays in the intensive care unit?. Cardiovascular ultrasound, 15(1), 23.
Shi, Y., Huang, Y., Zhang, T. T., Cao, B., Wang, H., Zhuo, C., … & Zhang, J. (2019). Chinese guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of hospital-acquired pneumonia and ventilator-associated pneumonia in adults (2018 Edition). Journal of Thoracic Disease, 11(6), 2581.
Usonis, V., Ivaskevicius, R., Diez-Domingo, J., Esposito, S., Falup-Pecurariu, O. G., Finn, A., … & CAP-PRI Working Group. (2016). Comparison between diagnosis and treatment of community-acquired pneumonia in children in various medical centres across Europe with the United States, United Kingdom and the World Health Organization guidelines. Pneumonia, 8(1), 5.

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