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Posted: July 17th, 2022

Joining Sports

Below is a free essay on “Persuasive Essay On Joining Sports/clubs” from Anti Essays, your source for free research papers, essays, and term paper examples. Teenagers are blessed with the gift of limitless free time. Most of them fill that time slot after school with video games, television, and other distracting technologies. However, there is a much more beneficial option for after school activities. That option is joining co-curricular sports or clubs. These activities have proven benefits, and every student should join one.
Sports are a excellent way to stay in shape. MayoClinic says that teenagers require at least an hour of physical activity per day. Physical activity is important for a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, more and more adolescents are neglecting their health every year. As of 2001, 25% of American children are obese. (Anne Collins). According to Anne Collins, new studies suggest one in four overweight children are showing early signs of type II diabetes and 60% already have one risk factor for heart disease.
America’s youth is becoming substantially less healthy, but participating in a sport will decrease their chances of becoming obese. Joining either a sport or club will compel teens to become more sociable, and they can even make new friends. Dr. Phil himself says that a healthy social life helps keep teens happy, and they become less susceptible to depression or suicide. 5,000 teens die of suicide per year (Kidshealth. org). Suicide is the third-leading cause of death for 15- to 24-year-olds, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, surpassed only by accidents and homicide.

Sports or clubs can strengthen social skills and friendships. Making new friends is always a positive benefit any day. It is proven that teenagers will be less likely to use drugs while enrolled in co-curricular activities (Athletic Association of Western Universities). The terrible reality is that 50% of teens use drugs regularly (Teendrugabuse. com). Alcohol is the easiest drug for teens to obtain, sadly, alcohol kills 6 ? times more teenagers than all other illicit drugs combined…

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