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Posted: July 17th, 2022

Bullying impact on children essay

All over the United States, school-aged children get bullied every day, and some cases lead to suicide. In a YouTube video by ABC News, over a young girl who ended her life due to cyber-bullying, the school she attended knew what was going on but did nothing to stop it. In most cases, the school systems knew about the students being bullied, but they inquired that there was not enough evidence to prove they were being bullied. Harris states that a boy was being bullied at his school then the parents’ thought it would be best for him to switch schools, but the bullying only got worse at the new school. Tozer explained that an 11-year-old boy was bullied because he was well-spoken and clever, so he committed suicide. In the book Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher, it shows a clear picture of how people feel when others are rude and mean. Bullying has impacted suicide rates in school-aged children all around the world.
In the video on ABC News, they talk about a young girl who was being cyber-bullied. The parents told the school that their daughter was being bullied, but the school told them they could not do anything about it because there was not enough evidence. ABC News states, “She loved cheerleading, gymnastics, and going camping with her family. Malory is the all-American child, the all-American little girl.” At first, it started in the classroom by kicking her chair and tapping on her desk, but it then led to cyber-bullying and calling her names. After a while Malory’s grades were dropping, then it went to her complaining about stomachaches and headaches. ABC News states, “The only thing they said is we’re investing it. We’ll look into it.” Since the school did nothing about the bullying, it was too late. One girl even mentioned, “Why don’t you go kill yourself?” The parents had a meeting at the school, and when they finished, Malory told them that they made it worse. Hours after the meeting, Malory died. Malory’s parents have an attorney to handle the case because they want someone to be held responsible for the loss of their daughter. The parents told ABC News, “This small device can be a lethal weapon. In the hands on of the wrong child.”
In another case where bullying lead to suicide, Harris talks about what all this family had to do in hopes their son would stop getting bullied. A young boy was eager to leave behind his school because he was bullied. The boy and his parents thought if they moved him to a different school, the bullying would stop. Harris says, “Classmates yanked his long hair and tried to drag him around by his ponytail.” The boy said he was tired of the bullying, so he went to the stairwell to try and hang himself. At the same school, a boy was stabbed to death by a boy who was being bullied. The fact that the school having so many attacks because of bullying, the principal was removed from the school. Harris states, “In the days after Mr. McCree’s death, a portrait of the school emerged as a place where students felt increasingly unsafe, and parents said administrators failed to address their concerns. Students were left thinking that they had to fend for themselves.” One mother said that when she told the school her daughter’s hair was being pulled, they suggested that she wear her hair up in a bun. After the boy tried committing suicide, the hospital told his grandmother that he should not go back to that school. Even though several parents and even children told the administration about bullying happening, the school did not do anything to stop bullying.

In an article written by Tozer, he explained that an 11-year-old boy was driven to suicide. He was being bullied, and he overdosed on painkillers. Thomas Thompson was bullied because he was clever and well-spoken. His mother’s partner tried to resuscitate the young boy, but he had suffered from a heart attack. Tozer states, “Thomas is believed to be the youngest child to take his own life because of alleged bullying.” The people who bullied him would try to strangle him with his own tie. The school reportedly said there was no evidence showing that Thomas was getting bullied. A 16-year-old also suffered from painkiller overdose, because his family said he had been bullied his whole life. Also, a 15-year-old committed suicide at the same school because she was being bullied.
Lastly, in the book Thirteen Reasons Why, by Jay Asher, he talks about how a girl committed suicide because of thirteen reasons, so she audiotapes what each person did to her to make her want to commit suicide. Asher explains, “Clay Jenson mails a mysterious package to someone named Jenny.” The book explains that the package contained audiotaped suicide notes that were recorded by Hannah Baker. Asher states, “In the package, there are a total 7 cassette tapes and 13 stories.” Hannah proceeds to say on the first tape that each of them is responsible for her death and she explains why. The tapes tell the listeners that if they do not pass the tapes on to the next person on the list, then the tapes will be made public for everyone to see. Asher goes on to explain what each person that was on the audiotapes did to Hannah to make her want to commit suicide.
Overall, children of school age suffer from bullying all over the world and in most cases, it leads to suicide. From the case on ABC News, it shows how fast someone can die from suicide when the case gets worse, and the child does not want to deal with the students anymore. Harris states, a young boy was being bullied at one school, so his grandmother thought it would be best for him to switch schools in hopes the bullying would stop. The bullying did not stop, so the child attempted suicide, but just at that time the vice-principal walked in and stopped the young boy. Tozer commented, an 11-year-old boy was driven to suicide because he was being bullied at school, so he overdosed on painkillers and suffered a heart attack. In the book Thirteen Reasons Why, by Jay Asher, it explains why Hannah Baker recorded audiotapes and had Clay Jenkins send them to Jenny after she committed suicide. The audiotapes were recordings of her telling each person the reason they made her commit suicide. From the research, it shows that bullying has impacted suicide rates in school-aged children.

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