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Posted: July 14th, 2022

Pros and Cons of Medical Marijuana

Pros and Cons of Medical Marijuana
Through the years, there have been numerous debates and controversies revolving around the legalization of medical marijuana in the United States. This continues as more states with the most recent being the district of Columbia continue to legalize it. This controversial topic has received conflicting opinions from different groups, including scientists, political leaders, and doctors, regarding the impacts of marijuana on patients. The stereotype around marijuana has been fueled by the limited research and understanding concerning this medicinal plant. And with strong supporters on each side, the issues remain a hot topic.
So, what are the arguments for and against the use of medical cannabis?
Benefits of medical marijuana
• Pain control. Marijuana has the effect of calming muscle spasms that causes pain, nausea, and vomiting. It is, therefore, often prescribed to patients with complex and chronic illnesses like cancer and liver cirrhosis to help relieve pain.
• Cannabis for mental conditions. Marijuana affects mood in people suffering from anxiety, depression, and PTSD by making them feel happy, relaxed, and euphoric.
• Sleep management. The calming and relaxing effect of marijuana can be used by people with sleep disorders like insomnia. The pain relief effect also helps patients with chronic illnesses get quality sleep.
• Cannabis for seizures. Seizures are caused by the abnormal and rapid firing of neurons. Studies have found that cannabidiol, a product of cannabis, is effective in exerting anti-seizure effects in patients with epilepsy and other neurological conditions without making the high.
• It is natural and versatile. The cannabis plant grows naturally on six out of the seven continents on earth. Its chemical components can also be extracted and used for various medical purposes.
The Cons of Medical Marijuana
• Hallucinogenic effect. Marijuana causes mild to severe hallucinations, altered perception, and poor motor skills. As such, certain activities like driving are unsafe after using marijuana.
• While marijuana causes a calming and relaxing effect, it also causes depression and anxiety in some people with reduced concentration and coordination.
• Stimulating effect. In addition to improved mood, marijuana also causes hyperactivity, increased breathing rate, blood pressure, and heart rate. This can be dangerous, particularly to people with heart problems.
• Long-term use of cannabis has been associated with various health problems, including dependence and addiction, short-term memory loss, and lung damage when smoked.
Marijuana is clinically beneficial for various chronic illnesses. But there are also potential setbacks associated with the use of this valuable medicinal plant. The most important thing to know is that marijuana impacts people differently, and your experience may differ from another person’s experience.

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