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Posted: July 14th, 2022

For this week’s Literature Review UNIT 7

For this week’s Literature Review, make sure the reviews are labeled, (i.e. Literature 1, Literature 2, etc.) If submitting the assignment as a whole working document, make sure you use the red/black text format as described in numerous previous announcements.
For next week, UNIT 7, rough drafts are due no later than Wednesday, June 15th. They must be:
• Complete paper, optional is the abstract which is not due until week 8 but can be submitted this week
• MAKE SURE all segments are labeled as stated in numerous previous announcements as follows:
• Abstract – not officially due until final submission in Week 8, but can do it at this time if you wish.
• Introduction
• Peer Reviews 4 of them: (peer 1, peer 2, etc.)
• Literature Reviews, 4 of them: (literature 1, literature 2, etc.)
• Initiative – Describe the initiative to include the stakeholder and target audience
• Implementation – how you are going to implement it, (hypothetically)
• Assessment” – how you would evaluate the success or failure of the initiative. (hypothetically)
• Conclusion
• All segments should be included.
• This is not graded, it is just given a “0” as a place holder, final grade will be given in week 8.
• If you do not submit a rough draft, you will still receive the same “0” grade, however there will be no comments from me on the paper. If you do not turn in a rough draft, you will still get the same “0” grade, but I will not provide any feedback or comments on the work.

Be careful to include your strategies for evaluating, putting into action, spreading the word, anticipating feedback, and writing a conclusion. As so, it is labeled: (Assessment:, Implement:, Disseminate:, etc.) (for further information, check the preceding sentence)
• Any old work is represented by black text, whereas any new or revised work is represented by red text, as was defined earlier.

• if I reply back to you that you “may resubmit as is,” it indicates that the rough draft is excellent and that the only change you need to make is to resubmit it exactly as it is for the Week 8 turn in.
• Make sure to include your ways to evaluate, implement, disseminate, expect feedback, and final summary. Labeled as such: (Assessment:, Implement:, Disseminate:, etc.) (see above)
• All old work is in is black text, new or modified work is in red text as previously defined.
• if my comments back to you are “can resubmit as is”, that means the rough draft is great and you only need to resubmit as is for the Week 8 turn in.
• Guidelines are the paper must be a minimum of 10 pages, not counting the title page and references, if longer, I am not concerned.

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