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Posted: July 14th, 2022

Discuss the nature and importance of learning

Discuss the nature and importance of learning, and describe how the behaviorism approach adopted the study of learning
The meaning and nature of learning
Learning is the process by which an individual acquires, suppresses, or modifies existing behaviors as a result of experience. Learning occurs as the individual tries to adopt new habits, whether looking to overcome obstacles or simply adjusting to a new environment. These experiences can either be acquired directly or vicariously. Vicarious learning involves acquiring behavior through observation. For instance, a child learns to clap by observing other people do it. On the other hand, direct learning involves acquiring a behavior by practicing it and perfecting the skill with time. For example, a child learns how to write or read by practicing writing and reading over time. A child mostly learns from people in their immediate environment, including parents and teachers.
The importance of learning
Learning is a continuous and fundamental and process of human life. Through learning, we acquire unique skills and knowledge that make us human, distinguishing us from animals that are trained and not taught. Without it, the progress of humanity would not be possible. Learning also improves the cognitive ability of a person. The skills, knowledge, and attitude acquired help shape other aspects of a person, including the personality and motivation that can impact the type and quality of life that one leads.
The behavioral approach to learning
Behaviorism was formally established by John B Watson, who borrowed his ideas from the concept of operant conditioning by B.F Skinner. The behavioral theory of learning holds that a learner is a passive being that learns by responding to external stimuli. This approach focuses on the results rather than the feelings and the thoughts evoked during the learning process. From a behaviorist perspective, learning occurs through association commonly referred to as conditioning, or the direct association between stimuli and responses. Our responses towards the stimuli shape our behaviors and actions
According to this theory, the learning process is based on objective and observable behavioral changes. Learning is said to start immediately after an individual is exposed to a cue of stimulus and reacts to it by responding in a particular manner. Often, a positive consequence is used to reinforce the more desirable behavior. For instance, students are told to study so that they have good grades and a bright future. The acquired behavioral pattern can also be repeated such that it becomes automatic. Learning is said to have occurred when there are behavioral changes in the individual.
Clark, Kevin R. “Learning theories: behaviorism.” (2018): 172-175.
Lefrancois, Guy R. Theories of human learning. Cambridge University Press, 2019.
Reimann, Andrew. “Behaviorist Learning Theory.” The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching (2018): 1-6.

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