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Posted: July 14th, 2022

Consent & Rejection

Consent & Rejection

Consent and Rejection
Consent is a common term in the field of sexual violence, and in discussing rejection, and boundaries. Understanding the nature of consent and rejection is very important. Consent culture requires a higher level of emotional maturity, especially when people take consent the wrong way or avoid consent for their sanity. Having consent means holding a conversation with someone concerning sexual interest and romance by considering what both parties want and need for space (Afloarei, Martínez, 2019. However, consent means developing boundaries and respecting someone else’s decision without using force or making the person change their mind. On the other side providing room for a, no answer is as important as accepting a No answer and believing that a No is still an answer. Understanding that No is an answer and respecting another person’s boundary is the first step of dealing with rejection. Because human beings biologically need to belong, rejection may be painful and difficult to deal with.
Robinson (2018), Afloarei, and Martínez (2019), and (Kim et al. (2020) are three articles that discuss consent and rejection based on different perspectives. According to Kim et al. (2020), couples experience sexual conflict in long-term relationships, especially when one partner rejects sexual contact with the other partner. The sexual conflict arises mostly after the partner applies hostility and assertiveness in declining sexual advances, which leads to conflicts (Afloarei, and Martínez, 2019). Additionally, the rejected partner in marriage takes the No answer negatively, especially when the answer is characterized with hostility, hence suffering the rejection, which may lead to low self-esteem. However, the rejected partner may respond with hostility, which is associated with low levels of satisfaction.
On the other hand, Shumlich and Fisher (2020) is an article that discusses factors that have influenced the enactment of affirmative consent behaviours. The need for affirmative consent is driven by the current sexual consent behaviours, where people negotiate for sexual interactions. The article promotes an understanding of how lack of affirmative sexual consent and rejection leads to sexual violence. According to the article, consent should be free-flowing, although influenced by the parties’ personal and social relationships. Also, affirmative sexual consent may seem awkward, although asking for consent can be good because the consenting person has the courage and emotional maturity to handle a No answer (Shumlich, and Fisher, 2020).
Afloarei and Martínez (2019) discuss legislation on affirmative, which is an approach that prevents and reduces gender violence, the influence of masculinity, and social transformation on gender, sexual violence. According to the study, consent is important for sexual matters and criminalizing sexual crimes based on consent. The article focuses on the offender’s intentions and how the attitude of sexual freedom leads to sexual violence (Shumlich, and Fisher, 2020). The article discusses sexual justices based on consent and rejection, especially when the violence is triggered by rejection, hence committing a crime against sexual freedom. However, the articles can be harmful to children below the age of eighteen, especially on the need to develop affirmative sexual consent.
The topic of consent and rejection matters a lot because consent enables people to interact and promote interpersonal moral relationships. The topic is also important in providing knowledge and understanding on what triggers sexual violence and how to apply the law in cases of sexual violence. On the other hand, the topic Help understands how people respond to rejection and how rejection can trigger past rejection, childhood trauma, and other mental health issues. The topic promotes health, Equity, and liberation, especially in reducing sexual violence and assault, and how affirmative sexual consent promotes the liberation of minds and enhances sexual and emotional maturity. Affirmative consent promotes Equity, especially where both women and men have the same sexual power, in affirmative sexual consent (Shumlich, and Fisher, 2020). However, Equity prevents sexual superiority, which prevents sexual violence, promotes respect, boundaries, and Helps in perceiving rejection positively, without application of force.
My sex education goals include understanding how sexual choices affect individual well-being and how they can protect their rights and freedom throughout their lives after making a certain sexual decision (Shumlich, and Fisher, 2020). I would want people to learn that consent is a way of respecting a person’s rights, and provides a safe space for a No answer, hence consciously responding to rejection. Also, I would want people to learn that sexuality is a mutual agreement that does not need the application of force or pressure, resulting in sexual violence. On the other hand, people should understand that sex is not a matter of life and death; therefore, human beings are more than their sexual experiences (Shumlich, and Fisher, 2020). It is important for people, especially in preventing the application of force, and understanding that no one has control over what another person feels; hence rejection is not personal but a way of expressing personal boundaries.
People should have a deeper and wider interaction with materials, such as downloading articles, researching similar research work, and sharing the articles for people to learn and understand the topic. I would suggest learners use blogs, going live, archival, and sharing social media, which are some of the methods people use to disseminate information. Innovative ways of information dissemination play a big role in creating awareness and reaching a wider audience.

Afloarei, A. V., & Martínez, G. T. (2019). The affirmative “yes”. Sexual offense based on consent. Masculinities & Social Change, 8(1), 91-112.
Kim, J. J., Muise, A., Sakaluk, J. K., Rosen, N. O., & Impett, E. A. (2020). When Tonight Is Not the Night: Sexual Rejection Behaviors and Satisfaction in Romantic Relationships? Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 46(10), 1476-1490.
Shumlich, E. J., & Fisher, W. A. (2020). An exploration of factors that influence enactment of affirmative consent behaviors. The Journal of Sex Research, 57(9), 1108-1121.

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