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Posted: July 9th, 2022

Ethical Challenges with Research Projects

Ethical Challenges with Research Projects

Case Study based on Whitbeck (2011). Ethics in engineering practice and research.
The case study revolves around a graduate student who has been working on the development of an operating system for the last 2 years Professor Carr’s group. In the course of the implementation of the project, he suspects that the other researcher (Professor Carr) has fabricated some of the data. The dilemma is now on the way forward considering the ethics associated with research projects. Meyer, and Whitbeck (2006) state that ethical challenges and risk are a common phenomenon in any research process and how the research process is conducted represents an important step in determining whether it meets the required ethical threshold or not.
Among the ethical challenges faced in this research process is that three several incidences where it was difficult to adhere to the research protocol and design, a factor that risked compromising the overall integrity of the research. Whitbeck (2011) argues that such challenges may affect the perceived objectivity and quality of the research process if not well handled. One of the main reasons why researchers could end up engaging in such unethical behaviors is lack of adequate funding to finance some research programs. With such a challenge, it makes it difficult to reach some desired objectives. Accessing individual level data sometimes proves to be problematic as it is very difficult to get into contact with some responses due to their tight schedule. This could have been the main driving motive towards the unethical practices.
The manner in which a given research is conducted is very crucial because it has a significant impact on the overall public perception about the research. The results obtained from specific research studies are used as reference a material in future research but challenges that risks interfering with the overall integrity of a research which could erode the public’s belief and confidence in the research process (Zoltowski, Loui, and Hess, 2007 P. 12). A compliance and ethical program has to be established as this allowed that all the research process and steps were measured to ensure that they are within an acceptable threshold. Undertaking these measures was helpful in ensuing that there was reduced pressure the overall quality standards of the research by enhancing its credibility (Loui, and Miller, 2007 p. 16). In regards to lack of adequate financing to fund some aspects of the research, the challenge was solved by putting in place cost cutting measures through a rAssessment of the budget. Moreover, additional sources were obtained which helped the research achieve the desired objectives. The last challenge was accessing individual level data which was solved by booking prior appointments and proper planning.
By examining this case study, it has helped me increase my awareness of some of the potential risks that are associated with the proposed research study. For instance, now I’m aware that a compliance and ethical program will be necessary to enhance the overall credibility of the research. It has helped aware that the research process could be faced with some potential budgetary issues, a factor that will allow appropriate measures to be taken before the actual research can commence. Finally, now I’m more aware and prepared to put in place the right measures especially when dealing with the collection individual level data because it can be a problematic process especially in situations where the respondents a rot readily available.

Loui, M.C. and Miller, K.W., 2007. Ethics and professional responsibility in computing. Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering.
Meyer R. ,and Whitbeck C.., 2006. Doubts About Published Results, National Academy Of Engineering, Online Ethics Center
Roman Taraban (2019), A Global Context for Reflective Practice in Engineering and Technology Ethics. Texas Tech University. Retrieved from: https://www.onlineethics.org/Resources/88417.aspx [Accessed December 7, 2019].
Whitbeck, C., 2011. Ethics in engineering practice and research. Cambridge University Press.
Zoltowski C., Loui M., And Hess J., 2007. Understanding and Evaluating Ethical Engineering Practice, Purdue University

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