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Posted: July 9th, 2022

Analyze a case to ascertain the contention

The purpose of this assessment task is to:

Analyze a case to ascertain the contention, and connection between the relevant concepts

Apply ethical reasoning, the problems faced, symptoms and relationship to one another;

The context and its relationship to various stakeholders;

Recommend alternative solutions to address other SDGs using a similar or alternative approach based on reflective practice.

You were introduced to both the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), and the concept of Creating Shared Value (CSV).
Ricoh Group has prioritised strategies that incorporate CSV to address specific SDGs leveraging technology, products and services, human resources, and other resources to address social issues as well as to build new markets, attract new customers and introduce innovation.
This assessment task requires you to select one (1) of three cases and discuss how Ricoh has leveraged CSV to address specific SDGs. Your discussion should include issues and implications of ethics and sustainability, business and social value achieved, and alternate approaches by Ricoh to tackle other SDGs at scale.

My selected case study is:-

Case 1: Education support in India opens in new window

Link – https://www.ricoh.com/sustainability/society/value

To complete this assessment you are required to provide a problem-oriented case study format 1500 words in length.

Working individually, select ONE case study from the links provided.

Write a case analysis that highlights your insights and understanding of the issue or problem addressed in the case,

The business ethical considerations in targeting social objectives;

Identify strategic and operational/practice dimensions of CSV, and the SDGs achieved;

Identify the opportunities and challenges Ricoh might face in addressing other SDGs from an ethical or sustainability angle

You must apply relevant theory in support of your views.

Recommendations for action and/or alternative solutions should be presented

This case analysis has to be critiqued using academic peer-reviewed journals. You will need a minimum of 6 references from academic peer-reviewed journals in support of your critique ranging from 2012 – current. In addition, you can use older references. There is no limit to this.

Use the Harvard referencing system. The reference section should list alphabetically each reference cited in the body of your essay.

Length is 1500 words +/- 10%

Submit your Case Analysis (Word or PDF formats) in the allocated Dropbox on VU Collaborate

Title Page

Table of contents

Executive Summary

Problem identification

Analysis and connection between concepts

Opportunities and challenges

Value creation (social and business)




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