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Posted: July 7th, 2022

Week 2 Activity: Selecting a Suitable Program for Assessment

Week 2 Activity: Selecting a Suitable Program for Assessment
In next week’s assignment you start the first of your four–part Program Assessment Plan by describing and
analyzing important aspects of your chosen program. This activity requires you to first choose a program
and then describe it.
Selecting the proper program to evaluate is a critical step in creating a successful Assessment plan. Select
a K-12 program that you are interested in, would like to see evaluated, and most importantly, is
accessible—that is, one that you are able to readily obtain information about that will allow you to
complete all aspects of the project as described in the Course Project description. Failing to do this will
likely make your work more difficult.
Possible programs include, but are not limited to:
● Student or teacher assessment.
● Pay for student achievement.
● New teacher or employee training.
● Online learning.
● Anti-bullying.
● Gender equity for girls in math and science.
● School-to-work, retention of at-risk students.
● Schools of choice (charter schools).
The following resources provide information on types of program Assessments:
● Types of Program Assessments.
● Types of Assessment.
Identify your program (and provide a Web link to it if available) in a Word document, and briefly
describe it, making sure to include the following:
● Program Type: Formative, summative, process, outcomes, and impact.
● Target Population: Grade, age, gender, ethnicity, and special needs.
● Mission and Philosophy.
● Program Leadership: Briefly list major program stakeholders and their credentials.
Program partners, if any.
Week 3 Assignment – Project Part 1: Program Description and Initial Assessment
In last week’s activity, you identified and provided a brief description of your chosen program. In
this assignment, Part 1 of your Assessment Project, you drill down to create a more detailed
description and an initial assessment of your chosen program.
Provide a 3–4 page description and initial assessment of your chosen program and the
challenges and opportunities facing it. Do the following:
● Describe the program’s primary purpose and expected outcomes.
● Create a detailed and accurate depiction of the department or entity responsible for administering
the program by describing each of the following elements:
○ Role—how the department of entity fits into the larger organization.
○ Staffing—personnel, duties, and qualifications.
○ Scope of Work—describe the work needed to accomplish the mission.
○ Funding—briefly identify budget and sources available to the program.
● Analyze the program to describe two primary ways it could benefit from an Assessment.
● Describe the most significant challenge to conducting your Assessment and an effective way to
address it.
● One of your resources should be your textbook.
● Use at least three sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant,
and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your
assignment. For help with research, writing, and citations, access the library or review library
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For Helpance and information,
please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check
with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
● Justify the selection of a program to undergo a program Assessment.


Week 2 Activity: Selecting a Suitable Program for Assessment Overvew

In next week’s assignment you start the first of your four–part Program Assessment Plan by describing and

analyzing important aspects of your chosen program. This activity requires you to first choose a program

and then describe it.


Selecting the proper program to evaluate is a critical step in creating a successful Assessment plan. Select

a K-12 program that you are interested in, would like to see evaluated, and most importantly, is

accessible—that is, one that you are able to readily obtain information about that will allow you to

complete all aspects of the project as described in the Course Project description. Failing to do this will

likely make your work more difficult.

Possible programs

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