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Posted: July 7th, 2022

Proposed paper title: (4 pts.) ___ White hat and black hat hackers: who are they

Proposed paper title: (4 pts.) ___ White hat and black hat hackers: who are they______

(focus on what the paper is really about, capture the reader’s interest, be very concise—6-12 words)
Your original Phase 2 problem statement: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Your revised problem statement (leave blank if not revised): (2 pts.) ____________________________________________________________________________________

Your original Phase 2 research question: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Your revised research question (leave blank if not revised): (2 pts.) ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Your original Phase 2 thesis statement: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Your revised Phase 2 thesis statement (leave blank if not revised): (2 pts.) ____________________________________________________________________________________
Paper outline (follow this specific outline format while also using some guidance here):
I. Introduction (5 pts.) (Note: The Introduction will contain 5%-15% of your paper’s total word count*)
A. Hook—Complete single sentence of an especially interesting fact, question, quote, or something else to capture the reader’s attention (15-40 words). If your hook doesn’t hook me, it’s not a hook.
B. Problem statement (PS)—Complete single sentence, a STATEMENT of the problem directly addressed by the paper (15-40 words).
C. Research question (RQ)—Complete single sentence, the main QUESTION you are going to answer in the paper (15-40 words).
D. Thesis statement (TS)—Complete single sentence that states the ANSWER to your research question (15-40 words).
E. Other—Clarifying statements the reader should understand before proceeding (15-40 words each).
II. Background (5 pts.) (Note: The Background will contain 10%-20% of your paper’s total word count*)
A. Complete single sentence stating part of the background needed to understand your paper (15-40 words).
B. Complete single sentence stating part of the background needed to understand your paper (15-40 words).
C. Complete single sentence stating part of the background needed to understand your paper (15-40 words).
D. … and so on (you might need 3-5 background statements, 15-40 words each).
III. Discussion (5 pts.) (Note: The Discussion will contain 60%-70% of your paper’s total word count*)
A. Major Point 1: Complete single sentence that makes the first major point proving your thesis (15-40 words).
B. Major Point 2: Complete single sentence that makes the second major point proving your thesis (15-40 words).
C. Major Point 3: Complete single sentence that makes the third major point proving your thesis (15-40 words).
D. … and so on (you probably need 3-5 major points in the Discussion, 15-40 words each).
IV. Conclusion (5 pts.) (Note: The Conclusion will contain 5%-15% of your paper’s total word count*)
A. Three complete single sentences that restate the PS, the RQ, and the TS (15-40 words per sentence).
B. Complete single sentence that reflects on what your paper has accomplished (15-40 words).
C. Complete single sentence that discusses where researchers go from here (15-40 words).

Also include your reference page in STRICT APA format including ONLY those references that will be DIRECTLY and MEANINGFULLY cited in the paper (at least 10–at least half of your total number of references MUST be peer-reviewed). (10 pts.)
*Total word count in the paper excludes title page, abstract, keywords, and references.

Numbered list of peer-reviewed articles in strict APA format:
1. …
2. …
3. …

Numbered list of non-peer-reviewed articles in strict APA format:
1. …
2. …
3. …

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Tags: best master thesis writing service, best thesis writing services, cheap thesis writing services, master thesis help, master thesis writing service

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