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Posted: June 29th, 2022

Using the guidelines/principles you presented in Assessment 1,

Usability Assessment Report
Assessment 2 instructions – SIT216 – User Centred Design 27/4/22, 1:12 am
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Assessment 2

SIT216 Assessment 2 — 2022
Usability Assessment Report
Using the guidelines/principles you presented in Assessment 1, evaluate a
related digital system taking into account both its appearance (interface
design) and design in relation to supporting the target user/user group.
Create a user persona to Help in your critique.
Assessment Overview
Due date: Fri 29 Apr at 8pm

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Assessment 2 instructions – SIT216 – User Centred Design 27/4/22, 1:12 am
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Weighting: 15%
Mode: Individual
Requirements: From the design guidelines/principles presented in Assessment 1,
you are required to perform your own usability Assessment on a related digital system.
Your Assessment should also consider user needs by creating a user persona.
Related ULOs & GLOs: ULO 1, ULO 3 & GLO 1, GLO 4
Assessment Summary
The purpose of the second assessment task is to perform, and report on a usability
Assessment using a digital system that aligns with the focus of your usability
principles/guidelines in the first assessment task. The Assessment should also consider
user needs by creating a user persona. The critique will describe the interface,
present areas that have high usability areas with design concerns. Some low-fidelity
designs will demonstrate suggested fixes or improvements based upon your findings,
or your own ideas given your understanding of usability. These changes can refer to
specific aspects of the interface, re-designing specific functionality/tasks, or a
combination of both.
Your Digital System
The digital system that you will use needs to align with the focus of your
guidelines/principles presented and justified in the first assessment task. Students
who do not use a system related to their first assessment task risk receiving no marks
for this assessment. For example, website usability guidelines and principles require
you to choose a website (maybe one fitting a particular genre, eg online shopping). If
you are determined to choose a different digital system that does not match the work
you have completed in Assessment 1, then you need to seek approval from the Unit
Chair before starting given your Assessment criteria will be incomplete/missing. For
students who have not completed the first assessment task, you will need to
research, understand, and apply usability guidelines and principles to a related digital
system. Questions or concerns over digital systems can be asked in the Assessment
2 Questions discussion topic.
Analysis and Assessment of the Digital System
There are two main tasks associated with this assessment. Firstly, you need to
Assessment 2 instructions – SIT216 – User Centred Design 27/4/22, 1:12 am
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complete a usability analysis of your digital system (likely to be a website/web app,
software program, mobile app or game) and write a commentary on the best and
worst parts of the interface. Secondly, you are required to present examples of fixed,
improved or new interfaces in response to some of the findings of your Assessment.
These interfaces will show the visual design and can show specific functionality
relevant to your digital system from your understanding of task analysis.
Analysis of the Digital System
1. Users (humans)
Describe the characteristics of a typical user of your digital system. The
characteristics of a user refer to what they need to use the digital system for. What
are the main tasks/goals that users need to perform with this digital system? Users
(humans) interact with digital systems via the interface. This should be written as
a user persona.
2. Digital system description & usability Assessment
Provide a brief description of the digital system including the number of ‘zones’
used (specific sections), the purpose of each zone, and the general ‘look’ of the
digital system’s interface.
Using your principles/guidelines from Assessment 1, evaluate and report on the
usability of your digital system’s interface.
When assessing the usability of the interface, also consider aspects such as
visibility, affordance, layout, consistency, learnability, and aesthetics among others.
Write a short opinion about the overall usability of your interface.
Suggested Interface Design Changes
Review your usability Assessment findings and determine parts of your chosen digital
system that require some re-designing to be more aligned with your
guidelines/principles. You can focus on specific aspects of the system, re-designing
specific functions/tasks/task sequences, or a combination of both –
separate/individual screens and functions. Your ideas can also attempt to solve
deficiencies in the system based upon your understanding of usability that may not
have been fully covered in the Assessment given the guidelines/principles used.
To illustrate the design changes, these should be low-fidelity, however, the
Assessment 2 instructions – SIT216 – User Centred Design 27/4/22, 1:12 am
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To illustrate the design changes, these should be low-fidelity, however, the
interface and changes you make must be clear. For example, scanned hand-drawn
sketches, or electronic using a stylus (Apple Pencil/Microsoft Pen), or using a
design/prototyping application like Adobe XD or Figma. If you are using an
application, ensure your work remains low-fidelity as Assessment 3 in your
group is the opportunity/expectation for high-fidelity design.
Create and present 3-4 interface design changes. If you are re-designing some
functionality, each function will be counted as one change.
For each suggested change, briefly re-state problem/issue and how your re-design
addresses and solves the issues or flaws in the current design. You can refer to
your user persona as part of your explanation/argument.
Report Content Requirements
You are to present your work as a usability Assessment report. This report will contain a
number of sections including, but not restricted to:
an introduction that briefly includes and defines usability, usability testing (the
method/s) and the role of Assessment with reference to the type of digital system you
are evaluating
a description of typical users of the system and their needs as a user persona
sample screens and an analysis of the usability (screenshots or photos)
the re-designing of 3-4 sections or aspects of your digital system
a conclusion providing a summation of the overall usability of the interface and the
proposed changes
a list of references
Your report needs to be your own work. Reports similar to other students
submitted work and concerns with referencing will be investigated and may
lead to alleged academic integrity breaches. Usability Assessments covering
aspects of Azure or AWS are prohibited.
Submission Requirements
Your submission must be in the form of a report. The size and format is up to you.
The length of the report should be 1500 words (excluding references). You must
Assessment 2 instructions – SIT216 – User Centred Design 27/4/22, 1:12 am
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