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Posted: June 29th, 2022

Subject: Business analysts say that physical retail stores are in decline,

Subject: Business analysts say that physical retail stores are in decline, while e-commerce websites such as Amazon are more popular than ever. Do you agree? Why or why not? Argue your answer.


1. I agree that physical retail stores are in decline. Take one look at your AppStore, uber eats, postmates, amazon, instacart, etc. Many people find online shopping more convenient whether it’s because they have kids, or the pandemic, they prefer to not go to the store and look around, online shopping is becoming more useful every day. I also believe that when the pandemic started many people started online shopping not only for convenience but to avoid the crowds. Many clothing stores also offer more discounts and better deals when shopping online. I’d say for people who work late hours using an app like instacart is more convenient and more time-efficient. Another app that has become more popular recently is hello fresh, people don’t need to go to the store and pick up dinner items they bring everything to you. Amazon is a great app to use to send gifts directly to others, maybe you have a family member out of state, you use their address and it gets shipped directly to them, in the actual retail store you don’t get that option. Overall I think the decline of physical retail stores is due to convenience and the smooth process of online shopping, which could be for food, clothes, electronics, cars, etc, it is more efficient.

2. Yes am agree.But at the same time some products like cars are dificult to shop online.Consumers save the additional cost of shipping and take their products home right away.For me online stores is better because they are available every day at all hours.It is possible to find a large number of options and there are no space limitations,conditions or quantities wich allows more products to be available.The growth of online shopping has been exponential,with a huge increase in the number of consumers choosing to buy online rather than in store.Many traditional retailers have also followed suit,whit most shops now having a dedicated e-commerce website from wich consumers can make online purchases.Conventional retailers have not had great experiences with breakthrough innovation.Retailers tend to believe that their customers will always be there.Sales associates are hard to find.When u find one it doesn t know much about the merchandise.Stocksouts are frequent,checkout lines long.So yes in fact online players are gaining.

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