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Posted: June 29th, 2022

SCIE2006_Assessment 3_Brief1_Digital Case Study Presentation_Final

Nutritional Biochemistry & HumanMetabolism
SCIE2006_Assessment 3_Brief1_Digital Case Study Presentation_Final Page 1 of 5

Subject Code and Title SCIE2006 Nutritional Biochemistry & HumanMetabolism
Assessment Digital Case StudyPresentation
Individual/Group Individual
Length 8 minutes
Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the Subject LearningOutcomes
outlined at the bottom of this document.
Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 6.1 (Week11)
Weighting 45%
Total Marks 100 marks

This assessment provides an opportunity for you to demonstrate your understanding and
knowledge on the topics of nutrients and neurotransmission, epigenetics and nutrigenomics by
applying them to the case scenario provided below.
Case Scenario
A 48-year-old female presents herself to you suffering from bouts of anxiety and mild depression..
She has recently being diagnosed with colon cancer and is currently under the care of an
oncologist. The client is seeking nutritional advice from you.
1. In response to the case scenario, you are required to record an 8 minutes digitalpresentation
demonstrating your understanding of the following topics:

 Nutrients and neurotransmission
 Nutrigenomics
2. Please cover the following concepts in your presentation:

 Relevant neurotransmitter pathways and involved cofactors

 Epigenetic causes of colon cancer
Nutrients and bioactive dietary compounds
3. Please create your presentation slides using PowerPoint. You could use approximately
6-8 PowerPoint slides for this 8 minutes presentation.
4. How to record a digital presentation?
The following link provides information on filming a digital presentation.
SCIE2006_Assessment 3_Brief1_Digital Case Study Presentation_Final Page 2 of 5
5. Referencing

 This is a research based assessment. Therefore, referencing is mandatory.
You are required to use a minimum of eight references with at least five references from
academic sources (e.g. peer-reviewed journals).
In-text citations as well as a reference list following the APA referencing style must be
Please see more information on referencing here:

6. Please refer to the marking rubric to ensure you address all the assessmentcriteria
Submission Instructions
Please submit the digital case study presentation via the Assessment link within assessment 3 by
Sunday by 11.55 pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Module 6.1 (Week11).
Uploading your digital case study presentation: Detail instructions on compressing (if necessary)
and uploading your video presentation is availableat: link
The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can
be viewed in My Grades.
SCIE2006_Assessment 3_Brief_Digital Case Study Presentation_Module 6.1 Page 3 of 5
Assessment Rubric

Attributes Fail
0-49% Pass
50-64% Credit
65-74% Distinction
75 -84% High Distinction
Use of visual aids
Visual aids supportsthe
spoken message.
Use of colour, layout,
clarity and neatness of
visual aids.
20% No PowerPoint slides
were used OR
PowerPoint slides were
occasionally appropriate
and related to the spoken
message. The slides
require significant
improvement in design,
colour choice, layout and
neatness. PowerPoint slides
supported the
presentation. They clarified
and reinforced the spoken
message. However, most
content requires clarity and
improvement in design,
layout and neatness. PowerPoint slides supported
the presentation effectively.
They clarified and reinforced
the spoken message.
Demonstrates an acceptable
level of design and layout
that supports the flow of
information. PowerPoint slides were
carefully prepared and
supported the presentation
effectively. They clarified
and reinforced the spoken
message. The visual aids
added impact and interest to
the presentation through the
use of good design and
layout to support the flow of
information. PowerPoint slides were
carefully prepared and
supported the presentation
effectively. They clarified
and reinforced the spoken
message. The PowerPoint
slides have an excellent
design and layout which
supports the flow of
information and all of the
required elements are well
placed and clearly defined.
Knowledge and Lack of understanding of Limited understanding of Adequate knowledge or Thorough understanding of Highly developed
understanding required concepts and required concepts and understanding of the the required concepts. All of understanding of the
Understanding of the knowledge. Most of the knowledge. Some of the key required concepts. A the key components are required concepts.
key components are not components are not reasonable capacity to presented. Demonstrates a All of the key components
key concepts and addressed. Lack of addressed. Limited explain and apply relevant good understanding of the are well presented.
knowledge. application and analysis of application and analysis to key concepts. concepts and ability to apply Recommendations are
Application and information to provide provide clear Supports personalopinion and analyse relevant clearly justified based on
clear recommendations. recommendations. and information information from the the application and analysis
analysis of information substantiated by evidence research/course materials of information from the
to provide clear from research to provide and extended reading to research/course materials
recommendations recommendations. provide clear and extended reading.
40% recommendations.
Effective Techniques used to Techniques used to engage Techniques used to engage An interesting or original An interesting or original
Communication engage audience were audience were adequate. audience were effective. approach taken to the topic. approach taken to the topic.
minimal, or mainly Presenter usually spoke Presenter spoke clearly to Presenter spoke clearly and Presenter spoke clearly and
ineffective. Presenter clearly to ensure audience ensure audience at a good pace to ensure at a good pace to ensure
SCIE2006_Assessment 3_Brief_Digital Case Study Presentation_Module 6.1 Page 4 of 5

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