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Posted: June 29th, 2022

Potential Community Health Interventions

Potential Community Health Interventions
Select one of the specific health improvement needs that you identified in the first assignment. Conduct research on the specific problem and describe two possible approaches to address the problem in your community. One approach may be the same one that you identified in your Unit 3 assignment, or you can select two new approaches. Each must be evidence-based. One strategy must be based on a treatment model and the other, a wellness model.
● Treatment models provide care to patients who exhibit a problem.
● Wellness models take proactive steps to prevent development of a problem.
Be sure to differentiate between these two models explicitly.
You may wish to research how other communities are addressing the need and locate national data. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Web site (linked in Resources) may be a good place to start.
Write an eight-page outline that includes the following:
● Restate the specific health improvement need that you are researching.
● Identify the salient characteristics of the affected community.
● Assess how social determinants affect individuals relative to the specific health need.
● Assess how other factors may impact the health need.
● Present two approaches to address the identified problem.
○ Describe an evidence-based treatment model to address the health need.
○ Describe an evidence-based wellness model to prevent future development of the health problem.
○ Be explicit in your descriptions, pointing out the identifying characteristics of each model. How can you tell whether the model belongs in the treatment model or the wellness model?
○ Assess the advantages and disadvantages of each model.
Assignment Requirements
● Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message. It should be clear and well organized, with correct spelling, grammar, and syntax.
● APA: Comply with current edition APA style and format guidelines, including citations and reference page.
● Length: 8 pages plus title page and references.
● Font and size: Times New Roman, 12 points.
● Potential Community Health Interventions Scoring Guide.
● APA Style Paper Template [DOCX].
● APA Style Paper Tutorial [DOCX].
● Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
● APA Style and Format.
Potential Community Health Interventions Scoring Guide
Due Date: Unit 5
Percentage of Course Grade: 20%.
Assess how social determinants affect individuals in relation to a specific health problem.
28% Does not identify examples of social determinants that affect individuals in relation to a specific health problem. Identifies examples of social determinants that affect individuals in relation to a specific health problem. Assesses how social determinants affect individuals in relation to a specific health problem. Develops and applies cogent, explicit criteria to assess how social determinants affect individuals in relation to a specific health problem.
Assess an evidence-based treatment model that addresses a health need.
26% Does not identify an evidence-based treatment model that addresses a health need. Identifies an evidence-based treatment model that addresses a health need. Assesses an evidence-based treatment model that addresses a health need. Develops and applies cogent, explicit criteria to assess an evidence-based treatment model that addresses a health need.
Assess an evidence-based wellness model for preventing development of a future health problem.
26% Does not describe any ways in which an evidence-based wellness model may prevent development of a future health problem. Describes ways in which an evidence-based wellness model may prevent development of a future health problem. Assesses an evidence-based wellness model for preventing development of a future health problem. Develops and applies cogent, explicit criteria to assess an evidence-based wellness model for preventing development of a future health problem.
Write clearly, with correct spelling, grammar, syntax, and good organization.
10% Does not write clearly, and there are errors in spelling, grammar, syntax, and organization. Writes clearly overall, but there are some errors in spelling, grammar, syntax, or organization. Writes clearly, with correct spelling, grammar, syntax, and good organization. Writes concisely with excellent clarity and organization, with no errors in spelling, grammar or syntax, and employing critical or analytical reasoning as needed.
Apply proper APA formatting and style.
10% Does not apply proper APA formatting and style. Applies APA formatting and style inconsistently and with significant errors. Applies proper APA formatting and style with minor errors. Applies proper APA formatting and style consistently.


Community Health Interventions That Could Work
Choose one of the specific health improvement needs identified in the first assignment. Conduct research on the specific problem and describe two potential solutions in your community. You may use the same approach that you identified in your Unit 3 assignment, or you may choose two new approaches. Each must be supported by evidence. One strategy must be based on a treatment model, while the other must be based on a wellness model.

Treatment models care for patients who have a problem.

Proactive steps are taken by wellness models to prevent the development of a problem.

Make an explicit distinction between these two models.

You may wish to research how other communities are addressing the need and locate national data. The

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