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Posted: June 29th, 2022

Post with a minimum of 250 words must contain at least (2) professional

Post with a minimum of 250 words must contain at least (2) professional references, properly cited in the current APA format.

Discussion Topic

Andrew wants to eat healthier and went online to learn about MyPlate. He came away overwhelmed at all the information and was turned off by reading about ounces and cups-concepts that are unfamiliar to him. He is clearly interested in changing his food habits but is stuck on the idea that that isn’t possible unless he weighs and measures his food. He is wondering if eating healthier is worth the trouble.

How would you encourage him to approach the goal of eating healthier? What information would you gather about his usual intake? His willingness to change?
How would you use MyPlate to help him make better choices without overwhelming him?
Andrew’s wife thinks he is not consuming enough vitamin C. Andrew is worried that he will develop scurvy. Can you assume that he is at risk for scurvy if he isn’t consuming the RDA for vitamin C?
Why may his wife’s assessment be inaccurate? How can you determine if Andrew isn’t consuming enough vitamin C? What would you tell Andrew to calm his fears?
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In the final week of your internship, your rotation assignment returns you to the Chief of Staff’s Office, where you began seven weeks ago.

The Chief of Staff’s organization, among other things, is in charge of organizing meetings and providing support to the various internal governance boards and executive committees that comprise the internal governance infrastructure. You got a taste of one of these boards’ work last week when you Helped the Chief Financial Officer and CFO staff in putting together a briefing to inform the board’s members about a technology problem.

The work of the company’s governance boards and committees is critical because these groups plan, design, negotiate, implement, and oversee the processes, policies, and procedures.

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