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Posted: June 29th, 2022

Overview: Professional Development Plan

Overview: Professional Development Plan
This course aims to help you utilize quality improvement processes and management tools to improve client care outcomes partly by improving the nurses working environment as you make and implement good decisions. Now you will apply those processes and tools to yourself by creating a professional development plan.You will begin by completing some management graphic organizers or tools. Then you will use these tools as the basis of your plan.ObjectivesExplain how organizations function.Compare and contrast characteristics of leadership and management.Apply trends issues theories and evidence as guidelines for management decisions.Evaluate effectiveness of communication patterns using specific management situations.Submit this assignment on this template and submit as a word document.RubricUse this rubric to guide your work on the Week 5 Professional Development Plan.Tasks Target Acceptable UnacceptableStatement of Philosophy(max 20 points) (16-20 points)Clear statement of philosophy of nursing(7 points) (9-15 points)Statement of philosophy of nursing(5 points) (0-8 points)One or more philosophy statements missing or poorly written(0-5 points)Clear statement of personal philosophy(6 points) Statement of personal philosophy(5 points)Both philosophies clearly reflected in values vision and personal interests (in first assessment tool)(7 points) Both philosophies somewhat reflected in values vision and personal interests (in first assessment tool)(5 points) Little or no evidence of connections between philosophies and assessment tools(0-3 points)Use of Assessment Tools to Formulate Goals(max 20 points) (14-20 points)Detailed completion of Assessment Tools(5 points) (4-13 points)Completion of Assessment Tools(3-4 points) (0-3 points)Little or no completion of Assessment Tools(0-2 points)Clearly-articulated list of at least four prioritized goals based on assessments(5 points) List of at least four prioritized goals(3 points)List of at least two goals(0-1 point)All goals stated in measurable terms(5 points) Some goals stated in measureable terms(3 points) No goals stated in measurable terms(0 points)
Dates identified for accomplishing each goal(5 points) Dates identified for accomplishing most goals(3 points) No dates identified(0 points)Specific Strategies(max 20 points) Identified specific strategies for accomplishing each goal(16-20 points total) Some strategies that are related to pursuance of goals(11-15 points total) Vague or no description of strategies(0-10 points)Priority of Goals(max 20 points) Priority of each goal consistent with statements of values(16-20 points total) Goals are related to values(11-15 points total) Priorities are not indicated and/or goals are not clearly related to values(0-10 points)References(max 10 points) At least five references(5 points) Four references(4 points) Fewer than four references(0-2 points)References formatted correctly (APA)(5 points) Fewer than three APA format errors(4 points) Three or more APA format errors(0-2 points)Format & Organization(max 10 points) Professional error-free APA formats spelling grammar use of language and organization of responses(9-10 points) Generally acceptable APA formats spelling grammar use of language and organization of responses(5-8 points) Error-laden APA formats spelling grammar use of language and/or lack of organization of responses makes reading difficult(0-5 points)
New Horizons 10 Years Career Accomplishments 25 30 YearsPart B: Analysis and ConclusionsReferences Format and OrganizationWrite at least one paragraph (at least three sentences) in response to each of the categories below. (Each space will expand as you type.) Use references to support your discussion of each component. Write citations in APA format and include a references list (in APA format) at the end of the document. (NOTE: To make it easier to distinguish your work from the guiding instructions use black text.)Statement of PhilosophyRecord your statements of philosophy of Nursing and of personal philosophy. Explain how these are reflected the values vision and personal interests that you recorded in your My Vision and Interests tool.Use of Assessment Tools to Formulate GoalsClearly, utilize information from the Assessment Tools as the basis for formulating your goals. Develop a list of prioritized goals based on your assessments. Goals must be stated in measurable terms i.e. how can you tell you have accomplished that goal? Identify dates for accomplishing each goal.
Specific StrategiesIdentify specific strategies for accomplishing your goals. Give specific examples for accomplishing your goals including resources and major intermediate steps.Priority of GoalsExplain how the priority of your goals is consistent with your statements of values. Explain how your goals are congruent with each other and with your values.ReferencesIs this the question you were looking for? Place your order here to get it. You can also order a custom nursing assignment or coursework. Click on the Order Button below.
Acceptable Unacceptable Acceptable Unacceptable (maximum of 20 points) A statement of philosophy (16-20 points) Nursing philosophy (seven points) should be stated clearly (9-15 points) Nursing philosophy stated in a single sentence (5 points) (0-8) points (0-8 points) One or more philosophical statements are either missing or poorly worded in this document (0-5 points) A succinct declaration of one’s personal philosophy (6 points) Personal philosophy expressed in a single sentence (5 points) Values vision and personal interests (as measured by the first assessment technique) are clearly reflected in both systems (7 points) Neither philosophy is completely absent from values, vision, and individual interests in some way (in first assessment tool) (Five points) There is little or no evidence of links between philosophical perspectives and Assessment techniques. (-3) points (0-3 points) Use of Assessment Tools in the Formulation of Goals (maximum of 20 points) (14-20 points) Completion of Assessment Tools in its entirety (5 points) (4-13 points) Completion of the Assessment Instruments (3-4 points) (-3) points (0-3 points) Assessment Tools are not completed or are only partially completed (0-2 points) a well expressed list of at least four prioritized goals that have been determined through Assessments (5 points) Make a list of at least four goals that are highly prioritized (3 points) Make a list of at least two objectives (0-1 point) All objectives must be articulated in quantifiable terms (5 points) Some objectives are articulated in quantifiable ways (3 points) There are no objectives that are quantifiable (0 points) Dates have been set for the completion of each target (5 points) Dates have been set for achieving the majority of the objectives (3 points) There are no specific dates given (0 points) Strategies that are specific (max 20 points) determined the most effective methods of reaching each objective (16-20 points total) Some tactics that are related to the achievement of objectives (11-15 points total) Strategies are described in vague or non-existent detail (0-10 points) Goals are listed in order of importance (max 20 points) Priority of each aim in accordance with the ideals stated in the mission statement (16-20 points total) Goals and values are intertwined (11-15 points total) Priorities are not stated, and/or goals are not clearly linked to core principles in any way. (0 to 10) points Referees (short for references) (max 10 points) There are at least five references (5 points) There are four references (4 points) There are no more than four references (0-2 points) References that are properly formatted (APA) (5 points) There are fewer than three APA format mistakes (4 points) Three or more inconsistencies in APA format (0-2 points) Formatting and arranging information (max 10 points) APA forms that are error-free and professional. spelling, grammar, language use, and the structure of responses are all important considerations (9-10 points) APA formats that are generally accepted spelling, grammar, language use, and the structure of responses are all important considerations (5-8 points) APA formats that are riddled with errors Reading becomes difficult because of errors in spelling, grammar, language use, and/or a lack of structure in responses (0-5 points) 10 Years of Professional Achievements at New Horizons 25 to 30 Years of Age Part B: Discussion and Recommendations Citations and Bibliography Format and Organization In answer to each of the categories listed below, write at least one paragraph (or at least three sentences) in response. (As you type, each space will become larger.) Make use of sources to help you understand and discuss each component. Citations should be written in APA format, and a reference list (also in APA format) should be included at the end of the work. (NOTE: Using black writing to distinguish your work from the guiding directions will make it simpler to read your work.) Statement of PhilosophyMake a note of your statements about the philosophy of nursing as well as your own philosophy. In what ways do you think these are represented in your own values, vision, and interests that you documented in your My Vision and Interests tool? Goals are developed through the use of assessment tools. Clearly, you should use the information gathered from the Assessment Tools to help you formulate your objectives. Create a list of goals that are ranked in order of importance based on your assessments. Goals must be expressed in quantifiable terms, i.e., how will you know when you have achieved your objective? Determine the dates by which you intend to complete each goal. Strategic ApproachesDevelop distinct tactics for achieving your objectives. Please provide detailed examples of how you plan to achieve your objectives, including resources and important intermediate milestones. Explanation of GoalsExplain how the order in which your goals are prioritized is consistent with your values declarations. Explain how your objectives are consistent with one another and with your personal values. Is this the answer to the question you were looking for? References To acquire it, you must first place an order here. You may also order a bespoke nursing assignment or nursing coursework to be sent to you. To place an order, please click on the Order Button below.

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