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Posted: June 26th, 2022

Von Neumann’s Contribution to Computer Science and Computing

Computer Sciences and Information Technology
Von Neumann. Write a paper describing in detail that person’s contribution to computing and computer science.
Von Neumann’s Contribution to Computer Science and Computing
Von Neumann was one of the most renowned scientists, his brilliance attributed to his major contributions in mathematics, quantum physics, and notably computer science and computing in 1940. He inaugurated the basic arrangement of a computer. Despite the advent of a few technological features, a lot of computer systems today still follow his nomenclature. Neumann contributed to different aspects of computing. This discourse seeks to expound on his major contributions to computer science and computing.
Von Neumann’s advent into computing was in 1945 has he authored the first report Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer EDVA) the first electronic computer. In this report, he describes the relationship between data stored in the computer, its programs, and how to operate it. He further expounds on the use of memory to store data in a digital computer. He authored his first book The Computer and the Brain describing the brain’s functionality as a computing machine (Strawn, 67). Von Neumann was also actively involved in scholastic computing. He pioneered the theory that was later executed in the 1960s following the advances in computing in 1960s.

His Neumann architecture composed of the following components
Primarily, his greatest contribution was in his computer architecture known as the von Neumann nomenclature designs consisting of the Central Processing Unit, immediate access store, and the input and the output. Herein is the description of each component based on Neumann’s design.

Central processing unit
The central processing unit was designed to handle data. It is divided into four major components, firstly, the Arithmetic logical unit ALU, which performs arithmetic and logical functions such as comparisons and calculations. Moreover, it acts as the revolving for the computer system controlling the entry and exit of data in the CPU. Secondly, is the control unit facilitates movements of instructions necessary for execution in a program, in and out of the memory by issuing control commands to the hardware which the decodes the instructions and executes them. third, the registers, are memory circuit s. the register has program counters which providing storage unit for the impending instruction, a current instructor register for current instructions, the status register, and finally interrupted register for storage of information in case of interruption during execution. Finally, the clock, this facilitates the pace of execution of instructions, through the beat of the clock. The computer speed is determined by the pace of the clock (le, Gallo, 247).
Intermediate access store
It is also referred to as the Random Access Memory (RAM), this is a storage unit for both data and programs. Von’s invention of the RAM made it easier to store both instruction sand data which were initially stored differently making the computer system complex (Le Gallo, 246). He also designed the bus, the address bus, and the data bus. Fundamentally, the address bus aids the CPU to locate each memory, while the control bus provides a signal which controls the movement of data and instructions in the computer.
Input and output I/O
Additionally, Neumann designed the input and output which facilitates the inputting and outputting of data. Essentially, computers read in data and after processing, it sends out the data using the input and out ports. There several devices that a computer user can attach to the computer n order the send data in or out of the computer (Macrae, 219).
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His brilliance and computer architecture contribution plays a very imperative role in the world of computer and computing. Regardless of the numerous advancements of computers over time, his invention in the inception of computers still plays an important role in computer design today. His greatest discovery on the stored computer concept whereby program and instruction data can be store in the same memory is s still viable in most computers today. His computer design brainchild has completely revolved around the world of computing. Additionally, His ideology on instructions being carried out sequentially illustrates the imperative nature of his creation of the CPU. The computer system has revolved the way of life from performing functions such as arithmetic and logic operations efficiently.

Works cited
Macrae, Norman. John von Neumann: The scientific genius who pioneered the modern computer, game theory, nuclear deterrence, and much more. Plunkett Lake Press, 2019.
Strawn, George. “Howard Aiken: Mastermind of the Harvard Mark Computers.” IT Professional 21.6 (2019): 66-68
. Le Gallo, Manuel, et al. “Mixed-precision in-memory computing.” Nature Electronics 1.4 (2018): 246-253. – assignment help

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