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Posted: June 26th, 2022

Organizational Structure & Culture Assignment

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5 SCHOLARY SOURCE, APA FORMAT Paper should be 4-5 double-spaced pages of content in length (this does not include title page or reference pages).


In this Case Study, you will apply the Statesmanship model discussed in Module 1: Week 1 to a real, specific public administration context. In other words, choose an organization that is dealing with organizational change, design, and structure. Describe what happened in as much detail as necessary. Next, apply the statesmanship model discussed Module 1: Week 1 to this situation. The overarching idea of statesmanship is the call for moral character. In the context of this assignment, how can this model be applied to the situation at hand?

You will apply the Statesmanship model needed to deal with the organizational change discussed. Remember to also discuss the importance of the following:

· Noncentralization

· Covenant

· Systems theory and environmental awareness

· Responsiveness to political forces and constituent management

· Effective crisis management and statecraft


· Case Study scenarios must be taken from documented (published) public administration contexts; no hypotheticals are allowed.

o Students can focus on one public administration organization or may refer to a particular situation (well-documented by the research) that public administrators faced during an actual event(s).

· All ideas shared by student should be supported with sound reason and citations from the required readings and presentations, and additional resources.

· Paper should be 4-5 double-spaced pages of content in length (this does not include title page or reference pages).

o Paper should be in current APA format.

o Headings should be included and must conform to the content categories listed (i.e., Noncentralization, Covenant, Systems theory, and environmental awareness, etc.).

· 5 additional scholarly sources must be used. They need to be scholarly and provide relevant public administration theory and practices.

· All required reading and presentations from the assigned reading must be cited.

· Integrate biblical principles within the analysis of the paper.

· Unacceptable sources (Wikipedia, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and websites).

· Acceptable sources (scholarly articles published within the last eight years).

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Welcome to the presentation on organization theory classics for week four. As you know, public organizations are based on a classic theory that goes back to the theory of scientific management during the Industrial Revolution, when organizations were going through a lot of changes. There are three main ideas about how organizations work. The first is the classical theory, which is about an organization’s system of tasks. The people in those groups, how they work together, where they’re going, and who has power or where they stand in terms of leadership. The next step is neoclassical theory, which is more functional, more scalable, and more related to line and staff in terms of the hierarchy and the roles and responsibilities in that hierarchy, and then span of control. The third theory of organization is a more systems-based one called R3, which is based on the role of the individual, small groups, and the setting itself. Organization theory from the past. Basically, there are two ways of looking at things. First, Henri Fayol’s scientific management is the first way of looking at things. The next point of view is management of administrative tasks. Frederick Taylor is one of the most well-known names in classical organization theory, along with Martin Luther. What are the basic ideas of the classical theory of organization? You have the idea of the order of things. That each lower office is really controlled and watched over by an office higher up the chain. Work is split up based on what each worker is good at. And they don’t have too many responsibilities. And it is run by policies and procedures that help direct.org admin section. You also have administrative acts that are written down. There is a hierarchy, and your organization is based on that. And where you are in that hierarchy depends on how well trained and qualified you are. The same is true for the people who work for Pocock. Frederick Taylor promoted scientific management, which is the management of work and workers. This was one of the most important things he did for classical organization theory. Administrative management deals with questions about how to run a business. There is structure there. Henri Fayol led Google to find out that Max Vaber is the man who started big, complicated organizations. And Chester Barnard, who has written about how government agencies work. Frederick Taylor, in general, did time-motion studies and looked at how productive workers were. This way of organizing, called “classical organization,” is very impersonal because it has nothing to do with the workers. But what they do for a living. He cares more about how well workers can do their jobs and how much they can get done. The most important things are scientific management, job analysis, choosing the right people for the job, managers working together with workers, and supervision in terms of planning, organizing, and making decisions. They got bigger and bigger, and Columbia University set up an Institute of Public Administration. He also worked for FDR’s government. He basically made fails have seven more functions. Postcard. Post score is an acronym that stands for the first letters of POS, the CLR, and me. Functions. Planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting, and making a budget. Max Weber, a German sociologist and another important classical theorist, is also very well known. Max Vaber is the real father of organizations with lots of rules and regulations. He said that control is what bureaucratic administration is all about. Based on what you know about how bureaucracies work. Splitting up the work. Work is split up based on what people are good at, where they are in the organization, and their rank. He also said that in a bureaucratic organization, there was a clear order of who was in charge. That these groups followed rules, regulations, and procedures. They’re not very friendly. And a person’s technical skills determine whether or not they can work for that company. if someone works for that company or not. In a bureaucratic organization, having power and being in charge were very important. According to vapor, he put organizations into groups based on how legitimate their power was. He used three kinds of groups. There are three kinds of authority: charismatic authority, traditional authority, and legal authority. He knew that rational-legal authority was the best kind because it made sure that everyone in the group would follow the rules. That’s a very important thing, and in a bureaucratic, hierarchical, classical organization, the people who work there have to be very respectful of the people in charge. He also said that there was a system of legal jobs that worked all the time. And those rules, regulations, and procedures pretty much set those jobs in stone. That there was a sphere of competence based on how work was divided, so that different workers in that bureaucratic organization became specialists. There was also a line of people in charge. In terms of the offices that make up that group. There was no favoritism for or against different members in our group. That people are free to choose who gets a job. There are equal chances for everyone with the right technical skills and professional know-how to be a part of that organization. Even though a bureaucratic organization has a hierarchy, God also has a hierarchy: the house of God, the Father, and Jesus Christ. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these other things will be added to you. Mathew 633. I’ll sell, because if a man doesn’t know how to run his own home, how can he take care of God’s church? First Timothy. And no matter who you work for or what you do, do it with all your heart as if you were doing it for the Lord, not for people. The second idea is. The Business. This idea came from Chester Barnard. In the late 1930s, Chester Barnard wrote an article called “The Functions of the Executive.” And the importance of, well, that article was mostly about the organization’s mission and goals. We talked about the idea of hiring specialists and how important it is to communicate well last week. Administrative management’s most important contribution is that it recognizes management as a profession, like medicine or law. This is the first time that public administration has been called a job in organizational theory. So let’s move on to neoclassical management. In the 1920s, there were many critics of bureaucratic organizations who pointed out their problems. That we need to move away from the traditional way of doing things in organizations. And that there were difficulties when we tried to standardize people as well as their jobs. So out of the 1930s, the human factor became important in terms of how humans were influenced and how they related to productivity. The human relation studies that’s very well-known is the Hawthorne studies. And the Hawthorne studies were conducted at Western Electric. They were productivity studies, but the studies weren’t so much based on what people help people produce, but how they react to their behavior during that productivity study. Also, a Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is also part of the human relations approach to the classical organisations. The Hawthorne studies, as I said, were conducted and Western Electric and what they were doing is trying to determine what effect changing the lighting and other physical factors in the factory itself had on people who work there. The problem was productivity did increase, but it had nothing to do with the physical factors. The, their human behavior was that says to people knew they were being watched. That’s why their productivity increase. That’s called the Hawthorne effect. And the Hawthorne effect is a phenomenon that is even study today. In public organizations when people know that they’re being watched, their productivity tends to increase. We mentioned Maslov’s, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Psychological being the most for food, water, and so forth. Safety and security all the way up to be in self-actualize. God has a hierarchy of needs. At the bottom is the rest of the world. Then your employer, church, family, husband and children. And then up to top of the hierarchy is God and Jesus. The third is the systems. Organizations exist and environment. There’s social, cultural, and technological factors in those organizations that must be studied. Have organizations aren’t complex sets a units. They have to be control, maintained, and coordinated. You have to look at all the linkages within that system and how decisions are made within that system, within the system and between networks outside that system. Some of the system theories that have been studied are managed by organizations. And total quality management. All parts of the system or in the open systems approach and contingency theory was put forward by James Thompson, who was a political philosopher and a public administration researcher from Princeton University. He wrote organizations and actions with the dominant coalitions tend to set up closed systems and data. Taxes and increase. Organizations will adapt. And they have become more flexible and more decentralized. We know that a dam a brought forward Total Quality Management from the Japanese. And this is an area that’s well studied and public organizations called Japanese management. So those are the three classical theories and public organizations. We went through those very quickly, but there are some articles that can be read on those. There’s a great book by J chef rates and hide on the classics of public administration. There’s also another book by shaft on the classics of organization theory. So I would invite you to look at those books as well as some other articles that relate to the different models and methods of public organizations. Thank you.

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