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Posted: June 15th, 2022

Project: Keeping control of your budget

作业要求:800-1000 条理逻辑清晰 无语法错误
Group Project: Keeping control of your budget(一个可以记录支出,账单,月度预算,使人
们能够掌握自己的经济状况等生活服务类的 app)
Go to market plan
In this section, you should explain your plan to get your product out to the
masses(customer/users), this includes the information about how you will market or connect
with your potential customers with the market. This section should also a brief outline of what
method you might use for funding the project
The target market/customers
Provide a description of the target market/customers that you identified relate to your
problem.(Customer discovery/user personas and validation)
资料:The Solution Idea:
(A brief overview of the solution you will pursue and how it is aimed at solving the problems for
your customer identified above. In this section you can also outline how your solution will help and
its benefits.)
– By having this app, they can keep track of their spending. Visualization
provided in the app, people can see the pattern of their spending through
line and bar graph. Moreover, Pie chart will provide detail information on
what category they are spending most of the money, which will help them to
identify their bad spending habit in specific category.
– People will be able to set up how much they want to save on weekly or
monthly basis, enter in the app how much bills and loans they have and
based on that the app will give them estimate on how much they can spend
on daily or weekly basis to reach that goal.
– By giving notification on the when the bills are due and how much people will
never miss the bills and avoid penalty.
– People will be able to enter the cash expense manually in that way all the
expenses can be recorded.
– The app will connect to their bank account and from the translation
description it will auto create the list of category but the users will be able to
edit it if they are not satisfied with the description.
– The app will have ability to make electronic payment without having to move
to another app for payment which will give user better experience.

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