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Posted: June 15th, 2022

Origins of Abnormal Behavior

In addition, to prepare for this discussion, read Chapter 1 of your textbook, review the articles Freud Was Right . . . About the Origins of Abnormal Behavior (Links to an external site.), The Myth of Mental Illness (Links to an external site.), Personality Disorder Is Disease (Links to an external site.), and Is “Abnormal Psychology” Really All That Abnormal? (Links to an external site.), as well as the video How Mental Illness Changed Human History – for the Better: David Whitley at TEDxManhattan Beach (Links to an external site.). Lastly, review any announcements posted by the instructor.

Young Man Field

To successfully complete this discussion,

Based on your required resources, define abnormal psychology.
Interpret why you believe it is important for clinicians to consider the three perspectives of abnormality.
Discuss the origins of mental illness and how theories throughout time have affected the metamorphosis of abnormal psychology.
Identify at least two of the theoretical foundations associated with abnormal psychology. Talk about where mental illness came from and how theories have changed the way abnormal psychology has changed over time.
Identify at least two of the theories that abnormal psychology is based on.
Discuss your understanding for the use of the DSM-5, and how it too has changed the process for diagnosis.
Based on the controversial viewpoints of Szasz (1960) and Ausubel (1961), as well as the other required resource information, evaluate your own beliefs about mental illness. Is it real? Is it common or uncommon? Is creativity supported by behaviors resembling mental illness? Support your viewpoints using citations.
Elaborate on why culture should be considered, associated with behaviors, and what might be considered normal versus abnormal.
Be sure to use your own academic voice and apply in-text citations, according to APA: Citing Within Your Paper, appropriately throughout your post.

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