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Posted: June 15th, 2022

Diabetes Type 2

Diabetes Type 2
In the 20th and 21st centuries, chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, digestive, and respiratory infections have been on the rise. Diabetes type 2 is a metabolic disorder that causes glucose or sugar to accumulate in the blood. According to global reports, diabetes type 2 has affected families and the financial status of people due to treatments and acquiring life-saving insulin, which is expensive. The government and producers of food and medicine are working together to reduce diabetes type 2. The paper describes diabetes type 2 in depth.
Results and Findings
According to diabetes is diagnosed through a laboratory blood test and a glucose test, hemoglobin test as well as oral glucose tolerance test, also known as the OGTT (Bullard,et,al.,2018) . The fasting blood glucose test measures the level of glucose in a person who has forgone eating for hours. The second test includes the hemoglobin AIc test, which measures the average blood sugar levels over considering the past three months. When the glucose is more than sixty point five or higher when tested on two separate occasions.
The third test is the oral glucose tolerance test, which is measured two hours after the patient consumes glucose in liquid form (Bullard,et,al.,2018). The OGTT regulates tolerance of about two hundred milligrams or higher. When diabetes two is not diagnosed in its earlier stages of blood glucose is not optimized, complications occur. For instance, high sugars cause damage to micro-blood vessels as well as injuries the macro-blood vessels.
Food is broken down into nutrients that are absorbed into the bloodstream for body use. Carbohydrates and sugars are as well broken down into glucose, which is an essential form of energy. The pancreas produces insulin, which is a hormone that Helps in the absorption of glucose from the blood to the body cells. In type 2 diabetes, the body cells are resistant to absorb glucose by avoiding messages from insulin to absorb the glucose; therefore, type 2 diabetes is an insulin-resistant type of diabetes.
The pancreas produces insufficient insulin to help in the absorption of glucose into the blood cells. Frequent urination, excessive thirst, blurry vision, drowsiness, and weaknesses are some of the type 2 diabetes symptoms caused by high sugar levels in the blood (Bullard,et,al.,2018). Type 2 diabetes, when critical damages blood vessels which damages the nerves, affects the kidney as well as costs the vision. Nevertheless, damages caused in the macro blood vessels causes stroke, heart diseases as well as inadequate and insufficient blood supply in the body.
Risk factors involved are obesity or merely overweight, genetic history, and contemporary lifestyles with no exercise. Various ethnic groups are reported to suffer from type two diabetes; for instance, the African community, Asian, and American. Medications like the retroviral drugs used to suppress HIV, some medicines used to treat mental illness, thiazide diuretics as well as the corticosteroids.
New Treatment
Diabetes type 2 can be reduced by changing lifestyle, for instance, exercising frequently and abstaining from smoking cigarettes. Type 2 diabetes can be reversed by a new treatment known as gastric bypass surgery, which eliminates the patient’s dependency on medicines such as insulin (Madsen,et,al.,2019). Gastric bypass surgery is done by first encouraging the patient’s weight loss for people struggling with the disease.
Gastric bypass surgery involves reducing the size of the stomach and connecting a new small stomach to the part of the small intestine. The process enhances the production of various types of hormones, which enable the pancreases to produce more insulin (Madsen,et,al.,2019). The surgery is risky, especially infections, death, and blood clots. Gastric bypass diabetes treats and reduces symptoms of diabetes type 2 without the use of medicines.
Importance to me
Diabetes type two is a common disease that occurs due to changes in lifestyle and family history. Knowledge about diabetes type 2 is essential to me because I am aware of the causes and remedies towards the type of diabetes. For instance, watching what we eat, exercising regularly as well as going for a diagnostic test. Sharing information about type 2 diabetes to other people, especially in a society where individuals are not aware of suffering from diabetes type 2. The data is essential to me in understanding diabetes type 2 can affect anyone at any age.
Diabetes type 2 disease has proved to be a significant health concern in the 21st century. The condition causes high levels of glucose in blood vessels which leads to weakness, dehydration, frequent urination as well as critical health conditions when damages occur to micro-and macro blood vessels. Changes in lifestyle and going for an early diagnosis is vital as well as consistent use of insulin medicine. The gastric bypass treatment is the new type of therapy that is effective and eliminates symptoms of diabetes compared to the use of drug.
Bullard, K. M., Cowie, C. C., Lessem, S. E., Saydah, S. H., Menke, A., Geiss, L. S., … & Imperatore, G. (2018). Prevalence of diagnosed diabetes in adults by diabetes type—United States, 2016. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 67(12), 359.
Madsen, L. R., Espersen, R., Ornstrup, M. J., Jørgensen, N. R., Langdahl, B. L., & Richelsen, B. (2019). Bone health in patients with type 2 diabetes treated by Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and the role of diabetes remission. Obesity surgery, 29(6), 1823-1831.

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