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Posted: June 15th, 2022

CRJU Research Methods

Criminal homework help

Please create a Power Point of between 5-10 ppt. slides on The 4 types of probability sampling what each mean and what they are used for etc… The format must be ppt. or pptx. but NOT pdf.

Given the above, please use slightly bigger font size so your audience can see your presentation.

2 Please have some comments in the “notes” section to help you during the “presentation” (not actually going to present this ppt.).

3 Use mostly bullets and short phrases for your PowerPoint. POWER POINTS TYPICALLY CONTAIN ABOUT FOUR LINES OF SHORT PHRASES OR BULLETS PER SLIDE. Please do not use full blown prose narratives for your ppt. Instead, use short phrases or “bullets.”

4 Please add some graphics, illustrations/pictures … etc in many of your slides as applicable to help embellish your work, help hold the attention of your audience, and even bring a real life perspective to your work.

However, although illustrations help but please remember that they are ancillary and not primary to a ppt. so use pictures and illustrations as supplementary aids only. Your bullets/short phrases are more important than your pictures and illustrations.

5 Note that it is expected that you would meet the deliverable length in terms of the number of slides required – this excludes your cover slide, list of references … etc. Your last slide(s) should contain your List of References while your opening slide should be your “Cover Slide.” Your Power Point should be between 5- 10 slides (excluding your cover, list of references … etc)

6 Please note that it is considered plagiarism to borrow any ideas from anyone unless you (1) SUMMARIZE the ideas in your own words and (2) cite your sources. Against the background of the foregoing, student must use in-slide citations to back up your major assertions so readers may not think that you are speculating or guessing. You must cite your sources in your slides so your audience can see and research more if they want to.

7. Remember that your list of references – your last slide(s) go hand in hand with in-text citations. Therefore, please try to use (1) in-text citations – in this case in-slide citations and (2) list of references (in your last slide) to support your work so your audience may not think that you are speculating or guessing.

8 Arrange your list of references in alphabetical order.

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