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Posted: June 15th, 2022

Brian, a 34-year-old male, has served 7 years of 15-year

Brian, a 34-year-old male, has served 7 years of 15-year sentence for aggravated robbery. He was found guilty through a jury trial that lasted 3 weeks. It took the jury over 7 hours to reach a decision. The court documents indicate that Brian robbed a convenience store clerk at knife point leaving the scene with $142 in cash and a case of beer. The records indicate that Brian has for prior DUI arrests for which he successfully completed 6 months of supervised probation, a 30-day inpatient treatment program, and 6 months in the county jail. No other arrests are indicated.
Brian’s wife filed for divorce 3 months after he entered prison. Brian has 2 minor children from this marriage, currently ages 9 and 11, both males. His ex-wife is since remarried and moved to a state 1500 miles away from where Brian will be paroled. Statements made by Brian’s ex-wife at the time of sentencing indicate a pattern of domestic violence linked to his drinking, but since no police reports were filed, that information is unconfirmed.
Brian had been employed for approximately 2 years in a plumbing apprenticeship program as part of the vocational school program he attended prior to the arrest that resulted in his prison sentence. He was more than halfway through the program. The supervisor the program attended his sentencing hearing and testified to Brian’s strong work ethic and good school performance. When the judge asked what he thought the sentence should be, the supervisor indicated a period of probation. Brian had been working as an apprentice plumber for about two years as part of the vocational school program he was in before he was arrested and sent to prison. He had watched more than half of the show. The program’s supervisor was at his sentencing hearing and talked about how hard Brian worked and how well he did in school. When the judge asked the supervisor what he thought the sentence should be, he said that the person should be put on probation for a while.

Prison records show that Brian has had 2 prior psychological Assessments, one during the first 6 months of his prison sentence and one after an attempted suicide 6 years later when Brian attempted to hang himself in his cell. The first Assessment resulted in a diagnosis of alcohol dependence, but no personality disorders, and an average intelligence. The 2nd Assessment resulted in a diagnosis of major depression. Brian completed a vocational program in heating, venting, and air-conditioning while incarcerated and has been certified in HVAC. Brian has a high school diploma.
As a veteran state parole officer, Jim knows the regulations for clearing a prisoner for parole release when he is within 6 months of scheduled release date. After getting information on Brian’s plans for residence and employment during his parole, Jim went to the home address listed on the parole plan to talk with Brian’s maternal grandmother, Mrs. Carter,86. Jim discovered that both of Brian’s parents died in an automobile accident when Brian was 26 years old. Brian’s grandmother explained that the car accident resulted from her son-in-law’s drinking and driving. She confirmed that Brian can live with her until “he gets his feet on the ground”, but then expects them to find his own place to live. Although she agreed to let Brian stay with her for a limited period, she is concerned that Brian has the same drinking problem his father had and that she wants no part of it. Jim verified with the employer listed on the parole plan, a local construction company, that Brian has secured temporary employment upon release from prison and his continued employment with the company will depend on his work performance.

Based on the above information, discuss what needs should be included in a case management plan for Brian. Prioritize what you think is most significant need. What are the most significant risks? What community resources do you think are crucial to Help Brian throughout his parole? Explain your answer by identifying specific case history details that each resource can address.
The body of your paper is to be a minimum of three pages. Title page and reference page are separate. Information from your text and at least one outside source should be incorporated into your paper.

Case study adapted from:

Peat, Barbara. (2011). Case studies in Corrections. Durham. Carolina Academic Press. ISBN 978 – 1 – 59460 – 823 – 0

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Case study – Parole

Case study – Parole
Criteria Ratings
Discussion/rationale of Brian’s’ most significant need Excellent
Discussion/rationale of Brian’s most significant risks Excellent
Writing mechanics – clarity, organization, grammar, punctuation Excellent
APA – citations, references, title page, meet minimum length of five pages Excellent
Discussion of community resources Excellent

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