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Posted: June 15th, 2022

Placing Sources into Context
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Listening and Reading Assignments (Optional)
Podcasts of Interest:
Caitlin Fitz on US responses to the independence movements in Iberian America (https://benfranklinsworld.com/episode-090-caitlin-fitz-age-american-revolutions/ (Links to an external site.))
Fernanda Bretones Lane on the Congress of Vienna and “second slavery” (https://soundcloud.com/historiaspod/historias-89-fernanda-bretones-lane-2020-sturgis-leavitt-winner (Links to an external site.))
Martha S. Jones on battles over citizenship and voting rights in the early national United States (https://benfranklinsworld.com/episode-255-martha-s-jones-birthright-citizens/ (Links to an external site.))
Marixa Lasso, Myths of Harmony, introduction Download introduction
Here’s a documentary from the John Carter Brown Library about Bolívar:

Knowing the context of a primary source or quotation is crucial. (See the examples and This assignment will come in two steps:
In step one, you will analyze one of the primary sources from chapter 4 of Latin American Voices. They are:
Facundo, Domingo Faustino Sarmiento
Memoirs of a Militia Sergeant, Manuel Antonio de Almeida
A Mexican Self Portrait, Various Authors
Martín Rivas, Alberto Blest Gana
María, Jorge Isaacs
Autobiografía del Gen. José Antonio Páez
Bolívar’s Justice, Ricardo Palma
As you read the source, note three additional pieces of information that enable you to put the independence era into a broader historical context.
In step two, you will practice writing the introduction to an essay that attempts to explain an aspect of the Independence period. Drawing on the materials for this module and the pieces of information you gleaned from the selected primary source, write a brief (<250 words) introductory paragraph for this essay. In your introduction, be sure to 1) provide background information that you see as essential for understanding the events in question 2) clearly state your major point, or thesis, indicating important supporting points that will be drawn in part from the primary source.

What you submit:
Source selected:
Additional info A:
Additional info B:
Additional info C:
Introduction paragraph:

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