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Posted: June 15th, 2022

In your role as a business development manager involved in preparing an exit strategy for the life science organization, you learned that employee attrition is one of the key risks to the proposed acquisition. In Milestone Two, you analyzed the employee data to evaluate this attrition risk and suggest retention strategies to mitigate it. Later, as you began preparing for the exit, the organization faced another challenge—the possibility of the buyer withdrawing from the sale. To mitigate this risk, you searched and planned for alternative buyers.
Management now wants to be more cautious about such risks. To avoid more unforeseen challenges in the process, the vice president (VP) wants you to identify and assess other current or potential risks the organization may face due to the proposed acquisition and recommend strategies to mitigate them.
In this assignment, you will perform a risk assessment using the fishbone method you learned about in this module.
Write a report for the VP with risk assessment and mitigation recommendations for the organization in the scenario and its exit strategy.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
1. Risk Identification: Apply the fishbone method to analyze two other risks or problems the organization is facing. Your response should include the following:
a. Identify two risks or problems to be resolved and create a fishbone diagram for each. Refer to the fishbone diagram template for help. Insert a screenshot or copy your fishbone diagram to your report.
b. Identify one main cause and ancillary causes for each risk or problem.
2. Risk Assessment:
a. Evaluate the probability and impact of each identified risk or problem as low, medium, or high.
b. Justify your Assessment of the impact and probability of each identified risk or problem. Provide rationale with supporting data.
3. Risk Mitigation: Recommend one way to mitigate each identified risk or problem. Support your response.

Guidelines for Submission
Submit a 1- to 2-page Word document using double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

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