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u2ip2 Business Performance Planning

Computer Sciences and Information Technology
u2ip2 Business Performance Planning
Business Performance Plan
In addition to the Business Intelligence Development Plan template including section headings (project outline), you should submit a Business Performance Plan section that includes the following for the case study organization:

Using the major business performance management (BPM) processes, describe the general process of how the case study organization will collect data that are relevant to the following:
Act and adjust
Describe specifically how the organization will formulate a business performance plan, as follows:
Conduct a current situation analysis.
Determine the planning horizon.
Conduct an environmental scan.
Identify critical success factors.
Complete a gap analysis.
Create a strategic vision.
Develop a business strategy.
Identify strategic objectives and goals.
All sources should be cited both in-text and in the References section using APA format.

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Business Performance Plan
The data collection process is collected for ensuring that the strategies are created, planning is executed and monitoring of the performance of the business as well as acting and adjusting where the gaps are identified. The data shall be collected from the current business records such as financial statements and the existing technologies for the purpose of strategizing the future growth of the business basing on the existing data. The planning process will be strengthened by accessing the records from the suppliers, customers as well as their responses. The relevant data shall Help in monitoring the performance of the business using technologies of which adjustments and actions are taken where applicable.
The business performance plan will be formulated by conducting a current situation analysis. In this approach, the organization will conduct the situation analysis by evaluating the types of the products which are offered (Uber Services), the Assessment of the services offered will Help the company in evaluating the needs of the clients (Lake, 2019). Additionally, the current situation will be examined by basing on the existing competitions from other companies that provide the same services to compare the competitive advantages. Moreover, other factors to evaluate include the channels of distribution and other external factors such as environmental factors.
The planning horizon shall be executed by the company through the allocation of the relevant amount of time to enable the transformation to the next stage. The amount of time may be allocated in the business especially in marketing strategies such as the use of social media (Smith, 2018). Uncertainties may exist in the process of planning and hence interfering with the amount of time which is allocated. The planning horizon will be implemented by basing on the existing information. The types of data that exist such as a number of customers who use the Uber services will be of great importance.

Environmental scanning will be conducted by identifying threats and opportunities of the Uber business for the purpose of making the strategic decision making. The organization shall collect relevant information regarding the environment in which it operates and then uses the results to forecast the impact of the changes in the environment (Toppr, 2019). Some of the opportunities that exist may involve expanding the business to new towns. However, there are threats that may exist which include competition and other economic factors.
The critical success factors for the Uber business involve the design of the right problem statement which is important in identifying the factors affecting the business and hence strengthening on them. Frequency of the transactions and the ability to reach critical mass are other factors for the success of the business (Juggernaut, 2015). Additionally, other factors include the right design of the choice of the business model for the effective operation of the business as well as investing in the existing technologies.
Gap analysis shall be conducted by establishing the specific target objectives which can mainly be formulated from the mission statement of the organization as well as goals and objectives. The analysis will be carried out in the organization by collecting the relevant data on the level of performance of the business. The comparison will be done by focusing on the current goals and target growth.
The strategic vision will be developed basing on the current objectives and growth of the business. The business strategy will be created by gathering the relevant facts that surround the operation of the business, develop the vision statement of the company, focus on the mission statement, implementation of strategic objectives as well as developing the tactical plans and performance management (MacDonald, 2015). The strategic objectives will be formulated by basing on the vision and mission of the company. The objectives developed should be achievable and realistic.

Environmental Scanning: Explanation, Components and Factors. (2019, May 17). Retrieved from https://www.toppr.com/guides/commercial-knowledge/business-environment/environmental-scanning/
MacDonald, J. (2015). Steps to Create an Effective Business Strategy. Retrieved from https://www.business2community.com/strategy/6-steps-create-effective-business-strategy-01391113
Juggernaut. (2015, July 15). What are the critical success factors for “Uber for X” startups? Retrieved from https://medium.com/uber-for-x/what-are-the-critical-success-factors-for-uber-for-x-startups-57822c57b44
Smith, E. (2018, March 07). How to Determine Your Business’s Planning Horizon. Retrieved from https://quickbooks.intuit.com/ca/resources/business-planning/business-horizon-planning/
Lake, L. (2019, April 15). Here Is Important Information for Conducting a Situation Analysis. Retrieved from https://www.thebalancesmb.com/purpose-and-elements-of-a-situational-analysis-2295754

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