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Posted: June 12th, 2022

Report title: Proposal for Successful Project


Assessment Task Detail and Instructions:

Report title: Proposal for Successful Project

It is essential that project managers develop their unique strategy and approach to the management of projects. Without a clear approach at the outset of a project, there is little chance that the project manager will function or operate effectively, it will become a series of loosely connected activities that is reactive rather than pro-active. Projects that have a clear approach and strategy have an integrated and focused organisation and are significantly more successful. One of the essential strategies that the PM must have is managing project information. Project management information systems (PMIS) support project managers in planning, organising, controlling, and reporting projects while facilitating effective decision-making and problem-solving. PMIS provides managers with essential information on the performance parameters such as cost, time, quality and safety of a project and on the interrelationship of these parameters. Therefore, it is essential to consider and develop how you will manage project information as part of your approach to management.


Following a successful presentation to the Board of Directors, you are one of a number of potential project managers nominated to lead a project for a new client. You have been asked to submit a proposal. To make their selection, the client needs to identify the project manager whose style and approach to project management will be the most successful. The final appointment will be discussed and confirmed at a meeting of the Board of Directors. To make their decision, the Board of Directors has asked you to submit a proposal that explains your approach to managing project information and communication. Following a successful presentation to the Board of Directors, you have been nominated as one of several potential project managers to lead a project for a new client. You’ve been asked to make a proposal. To make their choice, the client must identify the project manager whose management style and approach will be the most successful. The final appointment will be discussed and confirmed at a Board of Directors meeting. The Board of Directors has asked you to submit a proposal outlining your approach to managing project information and communication in order for them to make their decision.


This is an individual report.

Write a proposal to the Board of Directors that sets out your strategy for Project management information system; clearly explaining the culture and management approach that you use to ensure the success of your projects.

Marking Criteria

1. Comprehensiveness and completeness of your proposal for the project Management Information System


2. Effectiveness of the project culture for the proposed PMIS


3. Feasibility of your management approach for the proposed PMIS


4. Quality of the proposal and usability to the client


Note: The client is familiar with the functions and activities performed by project managers in the management of projects so do not merely describe these.


Submission deadline: As advised in EVision

Submissions must be typed in clear font style, 12pt double-spaced and appropriate cover sheet that includes: the report’s title; Module code and name; Your Student ID number (no names); Trimester; date of submission (mm/YYYY) and word count.

Submissions should be in the order of 1500 words.

Use your SID to name the file to be submitted. Recommended file formats are word documents or pdf.

It is not normal practice to include references in a report to a client, so for this assignment, do not include in-text citations. Instead, include a bibliography as an Appendix to the report (this does not form part of the word count).

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