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Posted: June 1st, 2022

NRS 493 GCU Week 4 Health Care Capstone Change Project Outcomes

NRS 493 GCU Week 4 Health Care Capstone Change Project Outcomes

NRS 493 GCU Week 4 Health Care Capstone Change Project Outcomes
Capstone Change Project Outcomes
Public Awareness Outcome:
Capstone Change Project Outcomes

Outcome 1: Improved Public Awareness

Families and communities will work towards reducing obesity rates and obesity-related chronic diseases through increased knowledge about obesity and healthier choices. As per HealthPeople 2020, empowering communities with information on obesity and related diseases can lead to the adoption of healthier lifestyles, ultimately reducing obesity rates and related chronic illnesses [Citation: HealthPeople 2020].

Outcome 2: Healthier Eating on Government Property

Employees and participants will make healthier nutrition choices and increase physical activity, contributing to a reduction in obesity and obesity-related chronic diseases. This outcome aligns with the “learn by example” principle, where leaders’ healthy choices can influence others to follow suit. County leaders and employees adopting healthier lifestyles can set a positive example for the community.

Outcome 3: Promoting Healthy Eating in Schools, Child-care Facilities, and After School Programs

Schools, child-care facilities, and after school programs will prioritize fruit and vegetable choices, limit sugary drinks, and serve low-fat foods. This initiative aims to combat not only obesity but also cardiovascular and cerebrovascular morbidity and mortality rates, as indicated in the American Heart Association’s 2020 report. Additionally, it equips children with lifelong dietary habits to prevent obesity-related diseases [Citation: American Heart Association 2020; United States Department of Health & Human Services 2020].

Outcome 4: Reducing Sedentary Behavior

Schools, child-care facilities, and after school programs will decrease screen time for students and increase physical activities, contributing to a reduction in obesity and obesity-related chronic diseases. Sedentary behavior has been associated with obesity [Citation: Bullock et al., 2017].

Outcome 5: Implementation of Community-Wide Policies

The public health department will implement policies aimed at improving food access and promoting healthier lifestyles. Studies by Ananthapavan (2020) have shown that communities with strong policies promoting healthier lifestyles experience reduced rates of obesity and related chronic diseases, along with substantial reductions in healthcare costs [Citation: Ananthapavan 2020].

These outcomes serve as measurable indicators of the success of the intervention in preventing obesity and related diseases through the establishment of effective policy interventions.

Project Objectives

The capstone project aims to enhance wound care for in-patients through the implementation of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT). This intervention represents a departure from traditional wound care practices and seeks to improve patient outcomes and the quality of care provided by nurses in in-patient settings.

Objective 1: Reduction in Average Wound Treatment Duration

Rationale: This objective aims to increase the efficiency of wound care by reducing treatment duration. By accelerating the healing process, NPWT can enhance patient experiences and satisfaction.

Objective 2: Enhanced Patient Satisfaction with Wound Care

Rationale: Effective wound care, as facilitated by NPWT, can lead to improved patient experiences and reduced hospitalization time. Shorter hospital stays are associated with higher patient satisfaction.

Objective 3: Improved Patient Safety through Enhanced Wound Care

Rationale: Effective wound care, including NPWT, reduces the risk of wound infection and healthcare-acquired infections (HAIs), thus enhancing patient safety within the hospital setting.

These objectives promote patient autonomy by providing options for wound care and support social justice by ensuring equitable access to care services.


Podlog, L. W., & Brown, W. J. (2016). Self-determination theory: A framework for enhancing patient-centered care. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 12(8), e359-e362. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nurpra.2016.04.022

Example Topic Summary: Wound Care

The chosen evidence-based practice topic for this project is wound care. This topic holds significant importance as open wounds are a common ailment among patients in healthcare settings. Sen (2019) estimates that approximately 3% of elderly individuals aged 65 and older require medical attention for wounds.

Wound care, being a fundamental aspect of nursing practice, necessitates an evidence-based approach. This topic can be categorized as a community practice topic since it directly involves nurses providing care to community members, impacting their health outcomes.

Outcome of the Project:
The outcomes of this project will directly influence community health by improving wound care practices, reducing complications, and enhancing overall patient well-being.

Sen, C. K. (2019). Human Wounds and Its Burden: An Updated Compendium of Estimates. Advances in Wound Care, 8(2), 39. https://doi.org/10.1089/wound.2019.0946.
NRS 493 GCU Week 4 Health Care Capstone Change Project Outcomes
● Ananthapavan, J. S. (2020, June 19). Priority-setting for obesity prevention—The
Assessing Cost-Effectiveness of Obesity Prevention Policies in Australia
(ACE-Obesity Policy) Study. Plos One. Retrieved from:
● Bullock, V. E., Griffiths, P., Sherar, L. B., & Clemes, S. A. (2017). Sitting time and
obesity in a sample of adults from Europe and the USA. Annals of human
biology, 44(3), 230–236. https://doi.org/10.1080/03014460.2016.1232749
● HealthyPeople.gov. (2020, August 8). HC/HIT-13.1 Data Details. Retrieved from:
● United States Department of Health & Human Services. (2020, August 8). Time
to Start Good Habits. Retrieved from:
Capstone Change Project

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