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Posted: May 12th, 2022

MRKT20057 – GLOBAL MARKETING Assessment 2: Written

Assessment 2: Written
Assessments 2 and 3 are related. Ensure you read through Assessment 3 before you begin Assessment 2.
Length: 2,500 words (excluding the executive summary, appendices, table of contents, reference list, and charts)
Weighting: 50%
Due Date: Thursday of Week 7, 2 May 2019, at 11:55 PM AEST
Submission Notes: Online through Moodle – All assignments should be submitted online through the MRKT 20057 Moodle site. All reports will be checked by Turnitin to compare the report to other sources and will provide students and lecturers with a similarity score for the report. Reports with a similarity score index of more than 20% will be checked for plagiarism (although it may not necessarily mean that the student has plagiarized).
Task Description – Individual Report
This challenging assessment/task will provide you a real world experience through an applied and innovative task. Choose one of the following products:
1. Danes coffee (https://www.danes.com.au)
2. Aboriginal cultural tours (https://www.appessaywriters.com/write-my-paper/aboriginalsa.com.au)
You have been hired as the Marketing Manager and your CEO has decided to investigate market opportunities for the potential international promotion and sale of their products or services to one of the following countries:
• China
• Japan
• Korea
• Singapore
• UK
Choose one of the above countries and write a report on the potential opportunities and threats after conducting a strategic analysis of the environmental variables such as economic, political, social, cultural, technological and any other variables that would influence the market entry in that country.
It is recommended that students read various academic materials before writing this report. You will be expected to have consulted books, relevant academic journal articles, conference proceedings, theses, dissertations, market reports and so on to write the report (i.e. support your arguments with theories and market figures). You should start working on the assessment as early as Week 4.
Students can follow the report structure below:
• title page with unit name and code, student name, student id and campus and date;
• executive summary (not more than 1 page);
• table of contents;
• introduce the background information necessary to understand the product and the country of your choice;
• discuss the environmental variables (economic/financial, political/legal, social/cultural, technological) that may affect your international marketing campaign in that country;
• conclusion and recommendations for moving forward on the export opportunities or threats
• list the references (at least 15 academic references)
• Appendices (where required)
You can use the CQUniversity library database and Google Scholar to find journal articles. Remember to reference them in-text as you use them and add them immediately to your reference list. You must use APA Referencing and if using Endnote, you need to download and use the latest version.
Be creative!
To enhance the presentation of your assignment, use numbered headings and sub-headings to specify the information required for each of the above criterion. The assessment marking criteria below should guide you for this assessment task, the weighting attributed to each section of the assignment. Please use Times New Roman with font 12 and 1.5 line spacing
Assessment Criteria Maximum Mark
Executive Summary 10
Introduction including background information on product and country selections 5
Economic and financial environment analysis 20
Political and legal environment analysis 20
Social and cultural environment analysis 20
Technological environment analysis 10
Academic Quality 10
Professionalism 5
Total 100%
Reduced to a grade out of 50
Further information and a detailed marking rubric are provided in moodle. /100
Referencing Style
• American Psychological Association (APA)
Learning Outcomes Assessed
• Develop analytical and problem solving skills related to market selection, entry and competitive strategies in global markets
• Formulate and synthesise global marketing mix strategies to respond to complex global marketing challenges and opportunities.
Graduate Attributes
• Knowledge
• Communication
• Cognitive, technical and creative skills
• Research
• Self-management
• Ethical and Professional Responsibility

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