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Posted: May 12th, 2022

Homework Help, AIM: Registered nurses work with individuals, groups and communities to improve health

Registered nurses work with individuals, groups and communities to improve health. One way to do this is to analyse how risks to health can be reduced during changes to natural, social and/ or governmental elements in our society. As clinical leaders, registered nurses are expected to collect information about an emerging health risk from a variety of sources and collate this information into a meaningful analysis with recommendations for a specific audience. The audience for these analyses can be the public, older people or carers of older people, or nurses working in a range of practice contexts. This aim of this assignment requires you to apply your theoretical knowledge gained from modules 1, 2 and 3.
Your poster and written justification (AN INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT) must:
1. Recommend and justify the nursing requirements for older people diagnosed with, or at risk of, complex health conditions and/or cognitive decline; and
2. Evaluate the implications for nursing care related to changes in the environment (natural, social and governmental) that impact the health of older people.

For this task you will create a poster and write a justification supporting your poster inclusions and aesthetic layout.
There are two parts to this assignment. Part 1 is a poster and Part 2 is the written justification.
The total word allocation for this assignment is 2500 words and your written justification needs be a minimum of 1200 words. NOTE: You can decide how you allocate your word limit of 2500 words as long as your justification is no less than 1200 words.

1. Before you begin preparing the poster or justification undertake the following steps:
I. Identify a specific health risk for a specific older adult population (aged over 65 years or over 55 years if Australian First Peoples);
II. Collect information about that specific health risk;
III. Develop a summary of your analysis of that information; and
IV. Identify an audience and make recommendations about risk reduction and treatment for that audience.
This part of the task is consistent with the approach used to collect information for an essay. You DO NOT need to submit your research/preparation materials.

2. Then, for part 1 of the assignment, create a poster to share your learning with the specified audience. The poster must provide credible and relevant information on a specified health risk and be interesting to the target audience. For more information about how to prepare an academic poster, visit the following websites:
New York University, How to Create a Research Poster – Poster Basics
Erren, T.C., Bourne, P.E. (2007). Ten simple rules for a good poster presentation. PLoS Computational Biology 3(5), e102
Overview: How to design a poster presentation (3:07) – YouTube video
3. Please note that the aesthetic features of the poster are important and purposeful. Be selective and concise with the number and type of words used, and use language that is consistent with the audience. Ensure that claims made are based on evidence from peer-reviewed literature.

4. Next, for part 2 of the assignment you need to develop a justification for your poster. The length of the justification is 1200 words. In this, you will:
i. Provide a rationale and supporting evidence for the selection of the health risk in the specified older adult population, and
ii. Justify your selection of the audience, included content, and aesthetic features.

NOTE: If you wish to use your assignment 1/ Case Study as the basis for this assignment, this is permissible. This will enable you to examine at a deeper level the clinical encounter you analyse in assignment 1.

Additional information:
● Ensure that you use scholarly literature (digitised readings, research articles, relevant Government reports and text books) that has been predominantly published within the last 5 years.
● Use academic language and health specific terminology throughout.
● Refer to the marking guidelines when writing your assignment. This will Help you in calculating the weightings of the sections for your assignment.
● You may use headings to organise your work and use the first person in your writing.

Marking Guidelines

• The scope and depth of content in the poster is appropriate for the selected audience (10 marks).
• White space (no words) is used effectively to support the logical flow of the poster information (5 marks).
• The aesthetic features of the poster are appropriate for the audience (5 marks).

• The rationale for the selection of health risk in the specified older adult population in the written justification is supported using evidence. /10
CRITERION THREE: Research and use of evidence
• The rationale for the selection of poster elements including audience, content and aesthetic features in the written justification is logically developed (10 marks).
• No fewer than 10 different sources from the scholarly literature are sourced (5 marks).
CRITERION FOUR: Academic Writing & Referencing
• The writing is clear, concise & free of APA (6th ed) errors.
• Word limits for assessment items are strictly adhered to.
• The written justification is well presented, with correct spelling, grammar, and well-constructed sentence and paragraph structure.
Total Marks

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