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Posted: May 12th, 2022

Electric Propulsion for Small Satellites

Electric Propulsion for Small Satellites 3 Electric Propulsion for Small Satellites Name Course: Tutor: University: City/ State: Date: Electric Propulsion for Small Satellites Propulsion is an operation required for the displacement of satellites in the outer space. Electric propulsion involves the use of electric energy to energize the propellant. Electric propellants which run on electric energy are classified as plasma propellants. Electric energy is first used to ionize the propellant. Energy is then delivered to the resulting plasma, a process which results in plasma acceleration. In the last 50 years, different types of plasma propellants have been developed (Barnhart, Vladimirova, and Sweeting, 2007 p. 1295). They available thrusters can be categorized into three different categories based on their acceleration mode. They include: Electromagnetic, electrostatic and electro-thermal thrusters. The recent trends in space exploration have shifted towards the use of small satellites. An example of a micro-thruster is the micro-cathode arc thruster (µCAT). essaypro It operates on the concept of the release of energy from a cathode tube at a high speed according to the Lorentz formula and the Navier-Stokes equations.
The research seeks to simulate and explain the behaviour of micro-thrusters when displaced into space. This will be accomplished through numerical analysis of the results using computational programs. A resisto-jet thruster and a gap fill will be used to explore the flow of the fluids in the nozzles. Euler’s inviscid equations will be used to determine the effects of the boundaries on the flow. The Navier-Stokes equations will be used to give a more comprehensive picture of the propulsion. Usually,essay cola, write my essay, dissertation writing service, writer my paper, homework help the numerical analysis of the behaviour of the micro-thrusters is given in the form of a 2D Navier-Stokes simulation (Mazouffre, 2016 p. 24). The controlling equation for the flow is conservative and can be given by the equation:
Where U is the variable state, x and y are the energy directions, F and G are the variable fluxes in the control space. References Barnhart, D.J., Vladimirova, T. and Sweeting, M.N., 2007. Very-small-satellite design for distributed space missions. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 44(6), pp.1294-1306.
Mazouffre, S., 2016. Electric propulsion for satellites and spacecrafts:
Established technologies and novel approaches. Plasma Sources Sci. Technol, 25(3).
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https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-017-02269-7 100%
https://iepc2017.org/sites/default/files/speaker-papers/the_technological_and_commercial_expansion_of_electric_propulsion_in_the_past_24_years_-_iepc2017_-_final_1.pdf 80%
http://iopscience.iop.org/journal/0963-0252/page/Highlights-of-2016 60%
http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2016PSST…25c3002M 40%
http://aip.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1063/1.4986219?af=R 100%
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Established technologies and novel approaches. Plasma Sources Sci. Technol, 25(3).

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