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Posted: May 12th, 2022

Assignment, Review the Learning Resources provided for this Final Project

This assignment, you need to select just one of the management techniques that can be utilized for a problem in a real public or non-profit organization with which you are familiar.
Review the Learning Resources provided for this Final Project.
Review and select one of the management techniques (probability, decision theory, cost benefit analysis, sensitivity analysis, PERT/CPM, queuing, simulation modeling, or GIS) for you to use in your Final Project.
The Final Project:
By Day 7
1. Your paper should include the following sections:
o Introduction to the organization and problem. Keep in mind that while many of these techniques have utility in the private sector, the organization you select must be a public or non-profit organization. Select a real organization with which you are familiar. For example, you might choose an organization you currently, or have in the past, worked for or volunteered for. If you do not have experience working with a public organization, select one that you have familiarity with and that has a strong Internet presence so you can find as much information as possible about the organization you choose.
o Describe a problem (real or hypothetical) faced by that organization. In the course, you have been provided with several examples of how each of these techniques was used to solve or better understand the nature of a problem in public organizations. Now it is your turn to identify a clear problem that you will attempt to address with this Final Project. A problem statement tells the reader, in a very short space, what bad thing is happening that should not be occurring. The problem statement should not exceed 350 words (approximately), but very often you will find problem statements that are even shorter—many under the 250-word mark. In this short space, you must convince the reader that this study needs to be done. The problem statement always includes the research paradigm (that is, qualitative or quantitative), and very often the method of analysis. The problem statement will also indicate what variables and factors are included in your study as well as the application of the theoretical construct. A good resource for problem statement development is at:
Simon, M. (n.d.). The problem statement. Retrieved September 7, 2016, from http://dissertationrecipes.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Problem-Statement-Checklist.pdf
Although Dissertation Recipes is an excellent resource keep in mind that you are not writing a dissertation or professional administrative project—you are writing a single, short paper, so pick and choose the elements you explore carefully, and don’t worry about identifying a theoretical or conceptual framework as the advice in Dissertation Recipes recommends. This advice applies to the next three sections of the paper as well.
o Describe the purpose of your paper. The purpose statement must link very closely to the problem statement. Whereas the problem statement describes the bad thing that is happening, the purpose statement explains how you intend to try to solve it. A great resource for purpose statement development is at:
Simon, M. K. (2011). Writing a purpose statement. Retrieved from http://dissertationrecipes.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Writing-a-Purpose-Statement.pdf

o Develop a single, central research question you will attempt to solve. It is the research question that actually helps you determine the design and method of analysis, and even will help you pinpoint the variables and factors you consider. It is recommended you develop a single, central research question. You may develop sub-questions beneath the central research question, but having a single research question will actually help you maintain focus in this paper and will help keep the focus of the paper narrow and of a scope appropriate to something you can accomplish in a single course. More information about developing a research question can be found at:
Simon, M. K. (2011). Developing research questions. Retrieved from http://dissertationrecipes.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Developing-Research-Questions.pdf

o Describe the method you choose to explore and use, and explain why it is an appropriate way to explore your problem.
o Then, acquire data (or if you are unable to find data, it is permissible to fabricate hypothetical data with the caveat that you clearly state that you are using data you created for purposes of this exercise). Explain why you are using the data you select, and explain why the data you choose will fit into the method you select and the process you follow.
o Conduct your analysis.
o Write findings and recommendations based on your analysis.
2. In total, your paper should not exceed 20 pages of text (excluding front matter, such as a title page, and back matter such as appendices—if used—or the bibliography).

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