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Amazon final paper and presentation |Information Systems

Amazon final paper and presentation |Information Systems


The final project must include the materials covered in the text, lectures, threaded discussions, and chats. Select a business (AMAZON) Identify the problem and provide solutions and recommendations using what you have learned from this course.

As an alternative, the final project could be a technological innovation that would improve the effectiveness of a business process or enhance the quality of life of an individual.

The final project document should be between 9 and 11 pages (including cover page and reference page). APA format must be strictly followed throughout the paper.



the 5 outside sources CAN NOT be older than 2014.

the final must include the concept of porter’s Five competitive Force: 1. Threat of new entrants 2. Power of buyers 3. Power of suppliers 4. Threat of substitutes 5. Rivalry among existing competitors. all 5 parts of porters five competitive force need to be answer and addresed.

Direct Quotations Direct quotations should be avoided as much as possible. Whenever possible, paraphrase your source. Quotations are other people’s (authors’) words. It is important to show your work and not someone else’s. Think of it this way–if a paper is filled with quotations and when they are removed, what is left?


The powerpoint needs to have 5 slides total each slide must contain summary of the final project condensed in 5 slides.

Along with the slides, each slide must include notes on each slide.

the notes must be as if the was giving a full verval presentation to an audience. the notes should be written as if i was reading them directly to the aundience. each slide notes should be a explanation of what the information on the slides.

Final Project Document Outline

This outline is to help you start your project. The titles are guidelines defines of what are the needs and help you organize your thought. Feel free to modify by adding and changing titles according to your project.


This section should give the reader a short synopsis of the project.


The environment that this project is going to take place.

Is it a Problem or Innovation?

What is the problem for this project? Be succinct in providing the reason that this work should be done-not more than two paragraphs. Is this a solution to a problem that can be solved with technology? Or is this an innovation that can help humanity, business, or non-profit and needs at least one of the modules that we learned in this course. The solution should be an implementable solution, with the existing technology.

SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis should be done thoroughly. SWOT analysis identifies the immediate issues with organization.

Project Goal

What is the proposed goal or solution to the problem? What do you hope to achieve with completing this project?


What is proposed should be the most profitable, cost effective and expandable solution for the problem? Justify this is the best solution by using ROI or feasibility study.


Accomplishments and lessons learned and there are more that should be done in the future.

Reference List

APA formatting


Discovery Communications, Inc. is a company that has adopted a new technological advancement in their workflow by implementing knowledge management systems. Discovery Communications is the world’s number one nonfiction media company servicing its consumers with real-world content through documentaries and television programs (Overview & Mission, 2012). The company has adopted the new knowledge management system in order to streamline their system of collecting, transferring, securing and managing the company’s information.

What companies were involved in developing DCI’s new system? What role did each company play in the development process?

The companies that were involved in the development of Discovery Communications, Inc. were Carefree Technologies, Lotus Domino Document Manger system, WebSphere Portal, and LexisNexis. Carefree Technologies, which is an IBM partner company, was brought on by Discovery Communications, Inc. to Help with their document management system and help with the tedious and cumbersome tasks of the company’s personnel (National University, 2009). Carefree Technologies enabled the Lotus Domino Document Manger system to centralize and streamline the process of document creation, filing, management and retrieval of information. Carefree Technologies also enlisted the use of Web-Sphere to act as a web-based interface for the documents now managed by Lotus Domino Document Manager system to allow Carefree Technologies to customize the knowledge management system to cater to the company’s needs. This new web-based interface allows the company to create a portal which is a central location, a webpage, which provides access to commonly used information systems and communication tools. With the use of this portal, LexisNexis is able to be used by employees to keep informed with the latest news and technologies. Carefree Technologies was able to give the company access to other portal services that allows the personnel to track and manage the television production process and easily permit them to do the once tedious task of accessing documents.

What is the purpose of a corporate portal? What convenience does DCI’s new portal provide for its employees?

The corporate portal was designed so that the company could easily have access to information systems and communication tools. Carefree Technologies enabled this portal so that the employees could have access to the web-based interface which would track the documents. This portal however opened up the opportunity for the company to merge the document management system with other portal services such as news, information and communications tools. This allows the employees to track their processes and locate any documents as they are now available through the knowledge management system. The system also provides the employees with the opportunity to utilize links to external website and news services with the use of LexisNexis. Lastly, the corporate portal allows the Discovery Communications, Inc. staff to communicate within the company with the use of instant messaging and company conferencing.

Why do you think knowledge management is so popular today? What advantages can it provide a company?

Knowledge management is extremely popular and important today. Most companies will utilize knowledge management as a way of managing and tracking information within their business. This management system is put into place so the company can produce positive performance. This positive performance comes in many different ways. In response to many environmental changes and advances in the procession of information, companies will need the use of knowledge management to keep a competitive advantage (Niu, 2008). Companies have adapted to today’s changing environment by adopting these knowledge management systems to differentiate themselves from their competitors. These systems can allow companies to manage their assets and innovate and cooperate more effectively (Niu, 2008). The superior capabilities of knowledge management systems provide an opportunity for the business to engage the most effective components and recognize the importance of communication to make informed, accurate decisions (McGrath, 2001). This system can organize the company’s knowledge resources, knowledge obtaining, organizing, and applying to make a sound routine the will enforce effectiveness (Niu, 2008). The dynamic function of knowledge management to create, capture, and apply knowledge to achieve an organization’s objective will allow them to be more profitable and successful (Zucker, 1986). In addition to increasing profits, the system can be also used to reduce costs and enhance research and development (DeTienne & Jackson, 2001). With all of these advantages, it would be wasteful for a company to not employ knowledge management. As seen in the Discovery Communications, Inc. example, the company can attribute their new productivity levels and increase in ease of securing documents to the knowledge management system that put into place by Carefree Technology. Like Discovery Communications, Inc., knowledge management is so popular today because companies can collect, process and share knowledge to ignite employees’ creativity which in turn will make the business grow. Wenhong and Jianhua (2009) explained the core of knowledge management is to convert company’s knowledge resources into an increased company corporate competitiveness by fully exploring, accumulating and using the company’s knowledge resources.

What were the most important steps in organizing the millions of documents in DCI’s systems? Why?

Discovery Communications, Inc. has made many steps to move towards organizing their millions of documents. Hiring Carefree Technology and installing the system of digitalizing their documents and creating an online presence was some of the most important of all the steps. Some of the most arduous tasks for Discovery Communications, Inc.’s employees were obtaining the millions of documents as the papers were stored in various locations. The time consuming task was also cumbersome because once the employees found the documents, there was no way to tell if the documents were current. This new knowledge management system provided the company an opportunity to access these needed documents from any location and be aware if the items were up to date and the appropriate materials needed. The retrieval of documents in this new document management system will end up being the most beneficial for the company. By saving time and integrating a more efficient system of storing documents, the company is allowing its workers to save time. By taking away from the time they usually spent searching for documents, employees can now put forth their efforts into other tasks to help improve the company and their mission. The company can now attribute their reduced operating costs, their increased competitive advantage, their enhanced regulatory compliance, and their improved customer service to the enhanced document management system. It has been said that 90 percent of senior executives claim that their document management system has helped them improve their business performance (Survey, 2008). The ability the company now has to track the documents, where they are and where they are going, places accountability on the company’s employees. Documents have less of chance of becoming lost or misplaced among the processes with this new system because of the accountability. In organizing Discovery Communications, Inc.’s documents, now more people can be included on the workflow of documents without wasting or creating extra time. Digitalizing the documents allows the business to save on paper copies, which makes transferring documents much more efficient (American Behavioral, 2010). With the implementation and practice of Carefree Technology and its affiliates, Discovery Communications, Inc. will be able to run its company and its document sharing and retrieval more efficiently and increase the moral of its company by improving its process.


American behavioral: A case study on the benefits of document management software.

(2010).Managed Care Outlook, 23(11), 9-10. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.nu.edu/pqcentral/docview/366881057/139A3CC41AC6922ABD7/3?accountid=25320

DeTienne, K. & Jackson, L. (2001). “Knowledge management: Understanding theory and

developing strategy”. Competitiveness Review. 11(1), pp. 1-11

McGrath, R. (2001). “Exploratory learning, innovative capacity, and managerial oversight”.

Academy of Management Journal. 44(1), pp. 118-131

National University. (2009). Chapter 1: An Introduction to Information Systems. Decision

Systems for Managers – MNS 606 (pp. 38). National University.

Niu, K. (2008). Understanding knowledge management and organizational adaptation and the

influencing effects of trust and industrial cluster. University of North Texas. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, 252-n/a. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.nu.edu/docview/276304793/1399896D11941FA564E/3?accountid=25320

Survey reveals benefits of effective document management. (2008). Office Solutions, 25(3), 12-

12. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.nu.edu/pqcentral/docview/216442333/139A3CC41AC6922ABD7/1?accountid=25320

Wenhong, B., & Jianhua, Z. (2009). Key points in implementation of knowledge management

and its Solutions/POINTS CLÉS DANS LA MISE EN OEUVRE DE LA GESTION DES CONNAISSANCES ET DE SES SOLUTIONS. Canadian Social Science, 5(3), 56-61. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.nu.edu/docview/208631954/1399896D11941FA564E/8?accountid=25320

Zucker, L. (1986). “Production of trust: Institutional sources of economic structure”, 53-111. In

Staw, B.M. and Cummings L.L. (Eds.), Research in Organizational Behavior, Greenwich, CT: JAI press

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