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Posted: May 1st, 2022

T1 2022: ICT201 Computer Organisation and Architecture Assessment

T1 2022: ICT201 Computer Organisation and Architecture Assessment four
Assessment sort: Report (2,000 phrases) – particular person task
Goal: This Assessment will permit college students to reveal that they’ll determine and perceive synchronisation and deadlocks. This Assessment contributes to Studying Outcomes b and c.

• You should present references and cite the assets that you just consulted for this task.
• Harvard referencing is the required technique. (APA is suitable)
• Be certain your assets are well timed. For instance, discover the date when the analysis was printed. Be sure you validate the authenticity of your sources. Keep away from any that could be questionable, comparable to blogs and publicly edited on-line (wiki) sources.
Assessment four Marking Rubrics – Report:
Standards Unsatisfactory Passable Efficient Wonderful Distinctive 15 %
Content material Fail
(zero – 49%) Move (50 – 64%) Credit score (65 – 74%) Distinction (75 – 84%) Excessive Distinction (85 – 100%)
Depth of Content material The reason is
sufficiently inaccurate, incomplete, or complicated that the reader beneficial properties little info from the report. It seems that little try has been made to Help the reader perceive the fabric. Some issue in studying, construction missing in some components Properly written, construction not
completely clear Properly written and structured. An correct and full clarification of key ideas and theories is made, drawing on related literature. Sufficient element is offered to permit the reader to grasp the content material and make judgments about it. As well as, purposes of principle are included to light up points. Readers achieve insights. three
Accuracy of Content material Doesn’t instantly reply Question Assignment Immediately solutions many of the Question Assignment Immediately solutions the Question Assignment Immediately solutions the Question Assignment giving extra insights Data (names, info, and so forth.) included within the report is constantly correct. three
Readability of
Goal No help for the undertaking’s targets taken within the reply. Supplies some help for the undertaking’s targets taken. The undertaking’s targets are offered. The motivation for pursuing the undertaking and its relevance are addressed. The dialogue is fairly clear however not compelling. Supplies wonderful degree of help for undertaking’s targets taken. The undertaking’s targets are clearly acknowledged. The motivation for pursuing the undertaking
and its
relevance are clearly
and persuasively established by relating the undertaking to present engineering issues. three
Depth of Assessment No Assessment offered Assessment based mostly on some argument Assessment based mostly on sound argument Assessment based mostly on an intensive argument Outcomes are fastidiously and objectively analysed. Interpretations are made utilizing applicable equations, fashions, or theories. three

on 2
Content material The presentation gives a quick take a look at the subject however many questions are left unanswered. Majority of data is irrelevant and vital factors neglected. The presentation Is informative however a number of components are unanswered. A lot of the knowledge
irrelevant, protection of a few of main factors. The presentation is an effective abstract of the subject.
Most vital Data coated; little irrelevant info. The presentation is a concise
abstract of the subject with all questions answered. Complete and full protection of data. Exceptionally good abstract of the subject and gives extensiv supportive eleme to help the benefit of understanding of t viewers. e
nts he four
expertise Minimal eye contact specializing in small a part of viewers. The viewers isn’t engaged.
Spoke too rapidly or
quietly making it obscure. Inappropriate/disin terested physique language. Focuses on solely a part of the viewers. Sporadic eye contact and the viewers is distracted.
Speaker might be heard by solely half of the viewers.
Physique language is distracting. Speaks to majority of the viewers; regular eye contact.
The viewers is engaged by the presentation. Speaks at an acceptable quantity with some fidgeting. Common/fixed eye contact, The viewers is engaged, and presenter held the viewers’s consideration. Acceptable talking quantity
& physique language. Exceptionally
Good presentatio expertise, wonderful viewers engagement. n four

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