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Posted: April 26th, 2022

MIS300 Mod3 Follow-up

Computer Sciences and Information Technology
MIS300 Mod3 Follow-up
Examine your organization’s current and/or potential use of big data sources. You may use an organization you are familiar with or select an organization from a journal article. How is this organization using big data? What other big data sources should this organization consider using and why? What challenges has this organization experienced with big data?
Big data allows organizations to derive their insights to make smarter and better decisions. This demand for deep knowledge has fueled the continued growth of big data platforms and tools. One way big data is being big data analytics is being used to enhance customer retention and accusation. This application means that businesses can now observe their customer-related patterns and establish their trends. By collecting and analyzing customer data, a business can now predict their customer preference, which helps in masking customized products, thus enhancing customer accusation and retention (Vyas, Jain, Choudhary & Chaudhary, 2019). In other words, big data is allowing organizations and businesses to have a better understanding of their customer’s insights, thus allowing businesses to deliver what their customers need.
Today Coca-Cola is leveraging big data analytics to enhance customer retention and accusation. The company has managed to do this by using big data analytics for product development and marketing. This objective is achieved by customers sharing their opinions with the company either through a phone conversation, email or over various social media platforms. By being able to acquire customer’s insights, Coca-Cola can adjust their approach to product development to match their customer’s needs (Vyas, Jain, Choudhary & Chaudhary, 2019). As such, Coca-Cola has managed to leverage big data to develop branded content that perfectly aligns with its customer’s passions and needs.
Coca-Cola should also consider using Machine-generated content as sources of big data. This source is generated from sensors connected to various electronic devices to generate real-time and accurate information. With the IoT technology on the rise, adopting this technique would allow the company to generate a lot of valuable information to enhance its customer retention and accusation strategy.
The biggest challenge that Coca-Cola is facing with its use of big data analytics is the ever-growing data security risks. With the increasing adoption of this technology, big data stores have become attractive targets by hackers (Kopanakis, 2020). As such, Coca-Cola has to be alive to these threats and constantly put in place security mechanisms those safeguards against these threats.

Kopanakis, J. (2020, February 10). Five real-world examples of how brands are using big data analytics | Mentionlytics blog. Retrieved from https://www.mentionlytics.com/blog/5-real-world-examples-of-how-brands-are-using-big-data-analytics/
Vyas, S., Jain, S. S., Choudhary, I., & Chaudhary, A. (2019). Study on the use of AI and big data for a commercial system. 2019 Amity International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AICAI). DOI:10.1109/aicai.2019.8701361

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