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Posted: April 26th, 2022

Mary is a 35-year-old G3P3

SOAP note format
No cover page or page numbers. professional resources only
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EXAMPLES IN ATTACHMENT and don’t forget to also answer questions at the bottom on this assigmnent.
Mary is a 35-year-old G3P3 who wants to use an IUD as her method of birth control (BCM). She reveals that she has heavy menses lasting for up to 7 days each cycle and suffers from endometriosis. She asks for advice on which IUD you would suggest. Her BMI is 24 and all VS are WNL. She just finished her menses two days ago and has not had any intercourse since before her menses began and her partner has been consistently using condoms. She has no contraindications for IUD insertion.
Describe the IUD options for Mary, explaining the mechanism of action (MOA) for each, length of use, possible side effects, and danger signs, as well as correct and consistent use of her selected method. Describe the IUD options for Mary and explain how each one works, how long it can be used, any possible side effects or signs of danger, and how to use the method she chooses in the right way and consistently.
Describe your plan of care for Mary along with your rationale.
Please refer to evidence-based guidelines to support your decision-making.

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