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Posted: April 26th, 2022

Health Care Policies and Advocacy

Circumstances Under Which Advocacy Influences Health Care Sector
Health Care Policies and Advocacy
Making healthcare policy is a complicated process that involves a lot of different people. It is important to realize that nurses are valuable team members who can spot problems with healthcare policy in their daily work. So, it’s important for RNs and APRNs to know what policymaking options are open to them and have the confidence to offer their ideas and share them with the public through advocacy.
Times When lobbying has an effect on health care
When there is a pressing need for a big policy change in healthcare, advocacy can be a good way to bring about the kind of quick change that is needed to make the sector better (McNiel & Elertson, 2018). The path uses advocacy as one of its many powerful tools to push forward innovations that save lives and change the game. We want to improve health and promote equality around the world by advocating for change and making policy changes. When health reform needs to move quickly, advocacy groups step in on their own because they have a lot of power and influence. Advocacy is effective because it targets the right people, who then put pressure on the government to enact the health laws that are desperately needed.
Advocacy is a powerful way to change healthcare when there is a need to make more people aware of a certain health policy or any other issue in healthcare that deserves wide attention (Cattie et al.,2022). Just a few examples of health policy are: Many companies have policies that say all company-sponsored events must serve healthy food and don’t allow alcohol or smoking. Policies give employees time off to take part in programs for fitness and health. As a recent example, the health care industry wasn’t able to explain to the world’s population how important the COVID-19 health measures were, so advocacy groups had to step in. Advocacy is the best way to teach people about these policies because advocacy groups have a lot of supporters and get a lot of media attention when they start up.
When there is a gap between medical staff and their patients, advocacy can be used to make a difference. Patients can learn a lot from having health advocates explain complicated medical ideas to them so they can make better decisions about their care. Health advocates are important for better health outcomes because they try to bring patients and doctors closer together. And advocacy is the best way to reach as many patients as possible. If the policy or information comes from a reliable source, like an advocacy group, patients are more likely to believe it.
Lastly, Healthcare Policy is the set of rules and regulations for the healthcare industry. The main goal is to give all patients care that is fair, safe, and of high quality. Concerns about health and safety, legal risks, and rules set by the government are common themes in healthcare policy. Since these policies are for the public as a whole, there needs to be a better way to get this information to the public. This is where advocacy groups come in.
Cattie, J. E., Pike, M., LoPilato, A., Crowell, A., & Cullum, K. (2022). Healing in Health Care: Mental Health Promotion, Advocacy, and Voluntarism in Response to COVID-19. Focus, 20(3), 277-284.
McNiel, P. L., & Elertson, K. M. (2018). Advocacy and awareness: Integrating LGBTQ health education into the prelicensure curriculum. Journal of Nursing Education, 57(5), 312-314.

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