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Posted: April 26th, 2022

FIRST WRITING ASSIGNMENT: Defining and Explaining Violence

FIRST WRITING ASSIGNMENT: Defining and Explaining Violence
What to do: Review the instructions for the first writing assignment.
 Develop and exhibit understanding of authors’ arguments by explaining them
 Make an original argument or evaluative claim about peace by criticizing, defending, applying, or extending the authors’ arguments
Write about 550 words responding to any text or pair of texts from the first unit on “Defining and Explaining Violence.” If you are having trouble thinking about what to respond to, some questions for you to consider as you craft your response are below. Note that you are not required to answer these questions and you should definitely not try to answer more than one of them.
1. Loïc Wacquant identifies three “defects” with Paul Farmer’s use of the concept of structural violence. Pick one “defect” and explain it. Then evaluate whether or not Wacquant’s criticism succeeds. Has he identified a real flaw in the concept? And if so, is the concept still useful anyway? Paul Farmer’s use of the idea of “structural violence” has three “flaws,” according to Loc Wacquant. Choose one “flaw” and describe it. Then decide if Wacquant’s criticism is valid or not. Has he really found something wrong with the idea? And if that’s the case, is the idea still useful?
Kenneth Boulding thinks that the international system can change if we change how we think about it. Why does he think that more accurate information will lead to better results? Do you share his sense of hope?
2. Kenneth Boulding believes that changing our understanding of the international system can change the system itself. What supports his view that better information will lead to better outcomes? Do you share his optimism?
3. Are there ways we still see the ideas in Theodore Roosevelt’s 1899 speech “The Strenuous Life” resonate in public life today? Do you think that this is good or bad?
4. William James discusses the fear that a world at peace will make people less interesting than they are now. Do you think this is a reasonable worry? Do you think that James’s plan for national service would be enough to prevent this from happening?
5. In Thucydides’s history of the Peloponnesian War, the people of Melos appeal to the Athenian generals by saying, “you should not destroy what is our common protection, namely, the privilege of being allowed in danger to invoke what is fair and right.” Melos is ultimately destroyed, which the Athenians seem to regard as the definitive response to Melians’ claim. What do you think is the best reason for taking seriously Melos’s argument that justice can and should play a role in resolving international conflicts?
6. J. Ann Tickner’s article begins with an epigraph saying “If we do not redefine manhood, war is inevitable.” Identify a conflict – in history, contemporary politics, or your own life – that was shaped by gender. Would adopting a different view of gender have helped to resolve or avoid the conflict? What can we learn from this incident about the role of identity in causing conflict?
What to Include
 Please include a word count near the top of your paper. Papers longer than 750 words will not be accepted. Cite the assigned course readings and other relevant extra text JOURNALS (Two). Your work must comply with (MLA) citation style. You indicate the name of the author and the EXACT page number that you draw analysis.
Academic Integrity
 Getting help on the assignment is permitted.
 Collaborating, or completing the assignment with others, is not permitted.
 Copying or reusing previous work is not permitted.
 Open-book research for the assignment is permitted and encouraged.

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