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Posted: April 24th, 2022

Threat maps illustrate the millions of cyber threats

Threat maps illustrate the millions of cyber threats happening every day. In addition to visualizing the attacks, cyber threat maps also provide a limited amount of context including the source and target countries, attack types, and historical and (near) real-time data about threats. If you are working for a company, threat maps can be valuable to help your security team make connections and predictions on future attacks where your company may fall into the mix. Threat maps provide that visual connection that turns information into intelligence.
Imagine you are working for an IT/Cyber company and the cyber threats are one of the most significant threats that the company is facing. Analyze the maps and report your findings in 2-3 pages of Word document. APA format references. Introduce the company (can be an existing one or you can create one) and explain how your report will contribute to prediction on possible cyber attacks.
Feel free to use available free resources (Google, Youtube, GitHub) to explore the maps and their features.

1.Kaspersky Lab cyber attack map (Links to an external site.)
2.Deteque (Links to an external site.) botnet threat map (Links to an external site.)
3.CheckPoint (Links to an external site.) ThreatCoud (Links to an external site.) map (Links to an external site.)
4.FireEye real-time cyber attack map (Links to an external site.)
5.Akamai web monitor (Links to an external site.)
6.Bitdefender live cyber threat map (Links to an external site.)
7.Arbor Networks DDoS Attack Map (Links to an external site.)
8.Fortinet live cyber attack map (Links to an external site.)
9.Talos Spam and Malware Map (Links to an external site.)
10.Sophos Threat Tracking Map

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