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Posted: April 3rd, 2022

Disruptive Digital Transformation

. Describe how theories about ethics and justice evolved.
2. Evaluate current theories of moral development and decision-making.
3. Identify one current event (in the news in the last six months) and evaluate it through the lens of moral development and ethical decision making.

Computer Sciences and Information Technology
Disruptive Digital Transformation
Assignment Content

Select one of the following industries: banking, logistics, oil and gas, or manufacturing.

Using Microsoft® Word, PowerPoint®, or various digital timeline sites, such as ReadWriteThink, Timeline JS, timetoast, etc., create a timeline of low-end and high-end disruptive digital transformations over the past 20 years. The timeline should focus on at least 10 major transformations in your chosen industry and identify how the new direction provided competitive advantages for the companies that used these emerging technologies.

Pick a technologically deficient company within your chosen industry, and write a 1- to 2-page summary of what you would do to develop a digital transformation plan to help your chosen company become technologically up-to-date.

Format your summary according to APA guidelines.

Disruptive Digital Transformation
Currently, the pandemic has enhanced the reprioritization of information technology in various organizations. Digital innovation, may bring about change and disruptions where organizations have to decide, resist and embrace the transformation. Organizations have developed applications, adopted cloud software, and embraced virtual technology to promote social distancing and improve business continuity. Disruptive digital transformation focuses on changing how people operate, integrate technology, and upgrading organizational processes (Vives, 2019). For instance, artificial intelligence, analytics and reporting, and machine learning in everyday operations. The paper discusses the banking industry’s low-end and high-end disruptive digital transformations over the past 20 years.
Banks has been undergoing digital transformation since integrating magnetic ink character recognition, automate physical check processing, the advent of automated teller machines, online pay bills, and electronic payroll, and currently, mobile banking. Disruptive digital transformation has changed and affected customers and customer’s centricity.Today, banks use machine learning, Chabot’s, and artificial intelligence to fulfill customers’ expectations (Mărăcine, Voican, and Scarlat, 2020). For example, the “amazon bank” where banks worldwide are working on developing millennial banks that can meet the needs and expectations of young people. Banking systems were among the first industries to embrace technology. Over the past twenty years, the banking industry has recorded the fascinating digital transformation stories in the sector. Digital transformation in the industry has been triggered by increased consumer expectations and improved its broad digital customer experience. Digital innovation in retail banking has been in the frontline in promoting savings, transactions, and investment. For instance, the use of filthy systems.
Few countries have adopted Robots process automation, and the feedback is tremendous. Robots are programmed to make critical decisions, learn from past information, and identify patterns of data. The technology has created positive competition and reduced the cost of operation and administration (Mărăcine, Voican, and Scarlat, 2020). Also, computerized technology has enhanced efficiency by offering quality services and at a higher speed. The Robotic automation process also stores logs and creates reports required by the organization’s audit manager. The technology can be re-configured and be able to update automatically.
API platforms have changed the entire banking environment by delivering banking products and services. The disruptive digital innovation enhances customer experience (Vives, 2019). The technology allows other companies to develop applications that can be linked to the bank using bank data.
Hybrid clouds have become a significant and widespread technology in banking. Banking systems use private, public, and traditional information technology to offer financial services to clients (Mărăcine, Voican, and Scarlat, 2020). The hybrid-cloud strategy has enhanced efficiency and flexibility in operation and communication. Also, according to IBM, the hybrid cloud reduces operational cost, promote creativity and innovation. Most bank systems use cloud services to enhance performance, enhance revenue, and develop services and products. Cloud services operate under security governance protocols and compliance regulations.
Artificial intelligence maintains banking needs and capabilities, such as machine learning algorithms and cloud computing. The use of artificial intelligence have managed customer expectations and created a competitive nature in the industry (Vives, 2019). Artificial intelligence has enhanced customer experience and promoted compliance, risk management, enhanced marketing, and product delivery. Data silos have been a significant threat to implementing artificial intelligence, although organizations have managed to mitigate the issue.
Prescriptive security is a low-end digital innovation used to mitigate cyber risks. The use of artificial intelligence and cloud-based services has attracted cyber threats making is a top issue in banking (Chia, Lee, 2019). Some threats are impossible to stop unless the organization develops a critical security platform. Prescriptive security has enhanced security stability due to its compelling nature.
Data and analytics have made banking easier where services are more personalized to meet consumers’ expectations (Sganzerla, Seixas, and Conti, 2016). Big data has been a thrilling technology, especially when combined with artificial intelligence. The technology hs raised security concerns, especially cases of data breaches.
Blockchain has enhanced efficiency in most banks through reducing cost, improving security, and effectiveness. Blockchain reduces fraud, payments, processing, and conducting bank transfers. Technology is a high-end- digital transformation in the banking industry. Other unmentioned digital innovations include the use of 5G, CDP explosion, and headless technology.
Instant payment is a low-end digital innovation that has enhanced consumer and organization expectations. Immediate payment infrastructure explores various instant payment options. Due to the insufficiency if rapid payment infrastructure, banks have adopted mobile banking where banks develop payment applications. The applications are used by organizations to deposit money through a reliable transaction speed. Instant payment enhances consumer satisfaction and promotes e-commerce and m-commerce. The instant payment method is cot-friendly and consumer-friendly.
Quantum computing will change the face of banking in the next two years. The technology encrypts critical financial data using the RSA-2048 hence avoiding the underlyng disruptions. Also, the technology consists of decrypting keys where the general computing strategy can hold trillions of banking operations within a second (Chia, Lee, 2019). Quantum computers solve decryption in less than two hundred steps or within ten seconds. Quantum computing is still in progress, where the technology is under testing. Quantum computing technology stores financial information as bits, hence able to store large financial datasets.
Augmented reality is a transformative technology that has changed the dynamics of customer/’s experience. Since 2018, millions of mobile devices have augmented reality (Chia, Lee, 2019). Augmented reality is an essential feature in millennial banking systems that experts self-services. The technology enhances accuracy, efficiency, and offer quick services. Various banks, such as the national bank of Oman and Australia’s commonwealth bank, have adopted augmented reality technology.
Digital does not have to be disruptive, digital transformation is about mobile functionality and going online and embracing both traditional and modern banking strategies. Balancing customer’s relations, respecting the customer’s journey and digital speed is very crucial (Mărăcine, Voican, and Scarlat, 2020). Digital transformation has changed banking, where today, banks use machine learning, Chabot’s, and artificial intelligence to fulfill customers’ expectations. For example, the “amazon bank” where banks worldwide are working on developing millennial banks that can meet the needs and expectations of young people.

Sganzerla, C., Seixas, C., & Conti, A. (2016). Disruptive innovation in digital mining. Procedia Andriole, S. J. (2020). The hard truth about soft digital transformation. IT Professional, 22(5), 13-16.Engineering, 138, 64-71.
Vives, X. (2019). Digital disruption in banking. Annual Review of Financial Economics, 11, 243-272.
Chia, A. J. H., & Lee, J. J. (2019). Banking Outside-in: How Design Thinking is Changing The Banking Industry?.
Mărăcine, V., Voican, O., & Scarlat, E. (2020, July). The Digital Transformation and Disruption in Business Models of the Banks under the Impact of FinTech and BigTech. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Excellence (Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 294-305). Sciendo.

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