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Posted: March 26th, 2022

Ida B. Wells’ Lasting Impact On Chicago Politics And Power : NPR

lyudmila history gcc

Module 4 – DQ #2 (Due by Saturday, 9/24)
Ida B. Wells’ Lasting Impact On Chicago Politics And Power : NPR

We’re going to learn about the incredible activist and journalist Ida B. Wells.
To answer this DQ correctly and with details, you’ll need to read/watch the following 2 (two) resources (discussed in detail below).

READ the Documents section at the end of Chapter 6 on pages 314-318. The section focuses on Ida B. Wells, who was an African American woman and journalist who exposed the racial terror behind lynching.

WATCH the 4-minute clip below about the new anti-lynching memorial in Montgomery, Alabama that seeks to shed light on the horrible history behind lynching in America.
Video Clip (4 minutes):
https://www.cnn.com/videos/travel/2018/04/08/eji-lynching-memorial.cnn (Links to an external site.)

QUESTIONS – After taking in the 2 (two) required sources above, answer the following question with at least minimum 15 sentences total between the two answers (not 15 for each) and specific historical details:
1. What does Wells’s analysis of the causes of and attitudes toward the lynching of African Americans reveal about the dynamics between whites and blacks several decades after the end of slavery?
2. What was Wells fighting to change, meaning what kind of United States was she fighting to create and for whom?
***Your response MUST include specific cited information from EACH of the 2 (two) sources above cited by name (i.e. “In the podcast, I learned XYZ.”).

A passing-credit response will meet the minimum of 15 sentences total with specific and cited historical details from the textbook (i.e. As found on page 303, it’s clear that XYZ.)




gcc college

(15 sentences )

(Second ASSIGNMENT ATTACH BOTH SEPARATELY half page each 15 sentences)

Our first DQ of the week is about women’s suffrage and the 19th

amendment, which granted (white) women the right to vote in the United

States in 1920. The amendment, however, did not mean that African

American women did not face discrimination and violence when they tried

to exercise their constitutional right to vote. Indigenous women were

not able to vote until 1924 since they were not considered United States

citizens until then, meaning they waited 4 more years than white women

to vote. Women of color were not enfranchised until the Voting Rights

Act of 1965. Read up in your textbook about this topic, including the

way that black women organized themselves and how they were marginalized

by the mainstream white women’s suffrage movement.


the following two (2) videos (17 minutes total) and be caught up on

your textbook reading. Also, read the less than 1-minute National Park

Service website blurb linked, then answer the questions below.

Native American women standing together looking at the camera. Courtesy Library of Congress. CC0
READ – Link – National Park Service – Who was excluded? – Women’s Suffrage (1-minute) (Links to an external site.)


changes brought about women’s suffrage in the United States? Who helped

to organize the mainstream women’s suffrage movement and what tactics

did these women use? How were women of color marginalized in the

mainstream (white) women’s suffrage movement and was it the same

experience for different groups, such as Black women and Native American

women? Think of the various leaders and ideas within the suffrage and

anti-suffrage movements. Your entire response should be a minimum of 15 sentences with a heavy focus on specific historical details, historical context, and analysis.

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Tags: 150-200 words discussion with a scholarly reference, 200-300 words response to classmate discussion question, 250 word analysis essay, bachelor of nursing assignments, case study

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